What He Thinks About You (Dawn)

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What do you think of (Y/N)? Do you think she's pretty? Do you like her?


What do I think of (Y/N)? She's more reserved than most, I'll give her that. It's not that she's quiet but she thinks before she speaks and puts a lot of thought into her words and she's very thoughtful when it comes to others.

Do I think she's pretty? Well, of course I do! She's got silky hair and bright eyes and a beautiful smile with perfect cheeks and delicate hands and---

Like her? As in like-like her? Um, I would say so, yeah. I mean, it's hard not to fall for her. She's... something else. And I mean that in a good way! I've never met anyone like her and I'm sure I never will, not in this life or the next.


Hm? (Y/N)? She's pretty nice, I guess. She likes to take naps with me and doesn't complain when I say I'd rather be sleeping. She also doesn't push me to talk. She does enough talking for the both of us. Not that I mind...

Pretty? I mean, yeah. Sometimes, when we're taking naps on her porch, the sunlight will hit her just right and it almost looks like she's sparkling. And when she smiles... it's breathtaking.

Like her? ..............that's none of your business. .................but yeah, I do.


Who, (Y/N)? She's more on the quiet side but she's a great painter. She comes to visit me at work a lot and seems to really enjoy my cooking. She always showers me in compliments, whether it's about my art or my cooking.

Pretty? Of course she's pretty! But she's so much more than that too! She's smart, kind, forgiving, and she always listens to what you have to say. When she smiles, her whole face lights up and her eyes seem to sparkle. 

L-like her!?! Wh-where did you get that from!? Did that old geezer tell you that?! Of course, I don't like her! She's a good friend of mine but she's only a friend. Even if I wish we could be something more.... YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT!


(Y/N)? She's a very good listener and loves to read with me. She spends a lot of time at my bookstore browsing the books. Sometimes we'll make eye contact and I'll look away out of habit but she doesn't get offended. She just laughs it off.

Is she pretty? Of course. She's beyond gorgeous sometimes I don't even think she's real. It's the way she looks when she reads something she really enjoys that takes my breath away though. She gets this look in her eyes that makes it hard to look away from her. 

I don't know why you would ask me something like that. Of course I like her, it'd be impossible not to. It's not just that she's pretty, it's that she understands so much about the world and she loves with all her heart. 


What do I think of Lady (Y/N)? Well, she is quite a sweet young woman. She often gives me new sweets I have never eaten before. She also doesn't seem to mind that I speak much differently from others her age.

Do I think she's cute? Aye, she is very beautiful. But it is not just her outer appearance that is beautiful. I believe her to be so inside and out. I have never met someone as caring as she.

Do I like her? Why, I would say so. We are close, after all, and often talk about everything with each other. She is a very close friend of mine. Oh? That's not the kind of like you meant? I see now. You were asking if I had any romantic feelings for (Y/N).... Aye, I do. 

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