□ Chapter 8 □

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□ Omniscient Narrator □~~~~~~~~~~□ Danger is Rising □

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□ Omniscient Narrator □
□ Danger is Rising □

□ Omniscient Narrator □~~~~~~~~~~□ Danger is Rising □

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Noah couldn't comprehend what Harry had done. He stood up for himself, stood up against all he was going through. All this time, Noah had thought that Harry was being submissive. He had no idea that that was going through his mind. Noah didn't know Harry at all, then, if he was stronger now.

He panted and felt tipsy. He wasn't blackout drunk, so he didn't imagine Harry telling him off. His rage was slowly boiling up inside him. The possessive side of him was rising once again. No, Harry deserves a happy ending, Noah told himself firmly.

He deserves to be with you and only you, a voice inside his mind contradicted. Noah seemed to be frozen in his place. It was like he had two different personalities. One was the good side of him, the one that wanted Harry to be free. The other was the bad side, the one that cared about himself.

He looked at Reginald, who was stunned. Did he not know about Harry's powers? Harry never told him. Of course, Noah thought that the two weren't close enough for Harry to tell him that. Reginald probably wasn't a very trustworthy person like Noah couldn't be trusted.

Reginald stood up slowly. He walked past the spikes, placing his hand on the ice. Noah did the same. It was freezing cold. Noah swallowed saliva nervously.

If Harry freaked out this bad, how much worse would his powers get? How much stronger would they become? He had to find him. Dr. Heart got up and checked the weather conditions outside. "It's not snowing," he called out.

Noah rushed over and gazed at the city. There were no clouds to be seen. The stars sparkled in the night sky. The moon seemed so bright. Harry had enough control to make sure there wasn't a man-made winter on his hands.

"I'm going to go find Harry," choked out Noah as he stumbled to his house. With his luck, Harry would probably be there. Dr. Heart didn't try to stop him. Noah ran as fast as he could, a bit of fear settling in his heart. Who knows what Harry's emotional state was like?

When he got home, Harry was there and was packing up his suitcases. There was a stony expression on his face, anger in his eyes. Noah hesitated speaking. He cleared his throat nervously. "Where are you going?" Noah asked.

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