Time for a test

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October 29
1969.                                            8:34 pm

Flames illumimated the room.
Yells of pain and spatters off blood surrounded it.
Time and time again the girl did this. She had no choice.
It was her purpose.
Shed being doing this day after day for years.
Facing one person after another.
The man would say.
The General would say.

She swung her arm carelessly every soul but her own in sight would flatline to her flames.
The tears spread in her eyes as she watched each man fall dead ina pile of there own blood and burning flesh.

The men around her lay dead.

Two men came in amd dragged the bodys out.
The sharp clank
Of the door locking

"Good work Caroline, your aiming better...send in the serum"
The General's voice boomed through the speakers.

The thin shaking , fragile girl stopped.
The flames that illuminated from hwr palms that spread aroumd the room stopped.
She looked up to the black window.
Her brown piercing eyes staring at it. Pleasing to hear a laugh.
Parts of her red vibrant hair coverd her scratched and bruised face

This was life. So she thought.

It was all in this room.
She thought everyone was the same way.
And the man behind the glass controlled it.

She opened her mouth but shut it again. Knowing if she spoke hed send more of the men in to fight her.

A man walked in
A white lab coat. Shes seen those coats a million times.
Glasses that gave off an eery glare.

Her soul shook.
She sat in the wooden chair in the middle of the room.
"This wont hurt...not much" the man said , his voice full of respect and a scarce terror.

He grabbed her arm, nails digging into the skin. She bit her lip in pain. Knowing she couldn't cry.

She felt the slight pain at the thin tube of liquid was injected into her arm.
She heard a voice. The man again she thought.
" she calls herself Enflame sir"
"Hmm. She isnt worth my project. I want someome stronger, better, faster. Do whatever you wish with her. Here the serum."
She heard steps leave.

"You filthly little brat. You shpuldve trained more. You cpuldve beena great worrier. Semd her to the lab. Once there done with ehr. Se-"

Her eyes grew weak. Just like before.
She fell off the chair.

Everything went black.

Some time later.

She wasnt awake yet. Not yet.

At the moment she was strapped to a table.
The General peering over her body.
"Sir what do wish we do to her?" The man in the white coat said .

"Send her away. Let her die"the general said.
"Shes no daughter of mine anymore"

More time later

Her eyes opened.

It was so cold. Why was it cold?
She sat up she was in the center of a forest. She disnt recondise anything.
Shed gone training outside once. But it wasnt this place.

She searched through trees shivering dou to her lack fo clothes.

She waa lost. And she didnt know how to be found.

She only knew one thing.

"I am Enflame"

project EnflameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin