the Professer

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She stopped and looked.
Two men were not far perhaps a few meters away from her.

One was tall standing in a knit sweater and loose jeans. Brown short hair and glasses one, he looked shocked to see the girl in flames.

The other ina wheelchair. Sitting still. Long hair to his shoulders. He looked tired but fascinated by the girl.
He turned a knob and the wheelchair moved approaching the girl.

She stepped back the flames going out. Her face turned pale.
"Its ok, im Charels. Charels Xavier. Im not going to hurt you Im a Professer, i can help you"

She didnt belive those words. Not one bit.

"Those a-are the words a liar would say" her first few words shed of said in years.

Her voice cracked and croaked .
He reached his hand out gently.

"But im not a liar, your scared. Im not going to hurt you, I want to help you. Teach you how to use your extrodinary gifts"his voice seemed to sooth her.

She held her hand out finger tips connecting with his. Suddenly she was pulled into a trance.

She felt safe, secure. Like nothing could hurt her.
She looked at the man and watched his face change.

Tears flutterd his eyes.

"Oh you poor child"his voice cracked. A small sob escaping.

"What are you doing?"she asked softly.
He held her hand.

"I looked through your mind. Your not alone anymore. "

She smiled, for what felt like the first time in a life time. She smiled.

The mans chair turned as she followed him. Keeping hold of his hand.

"Im going to help you, no more room of darkness. "He said. She knew he could help her.

"This is my assistant Hank "Charles said gesturing the the tall man in glasses.

"Im going to help you aswell"the m-Hank said.

'Now dear, whats your name?"

The girl stopped for a moment. Both men looking at her.

"My name...My name is..."


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