the boy in silver

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Before getting into the rental I grabbed my red. Leather jacket.

We walked out and hopped into the rental. It was cozy but not very

The four traveld into the outskirts of Detroit.
Once Charels parked.
After the bickering between Logan and Charels.
Caroline stepped out of the car and looked at the mailbox.
'Maximoff' it read.

"Come on Carol. "Charels said walking up to the door.

"Comming"she followed behind.

Logan knocked om the door and a pretty lady awnsered.

She looked at me then Hank Charles and Logan.

"What has he done this time"
She paused.

"Il write you check for whatever he took"

Logan spoke up
"We just need to tall to him"

She nodded and let us in.

"Peter the cops are here
"she had an uneasy pause.

After some talking the four were let inside and downstairs.

"Woah"Carol mutterd as she looked around.

Posters boxes of snack and sweets everywhere.
Running across the ping pong table around the center of the room was a boy, fairly blurry to Carols view.

"Whattya want. I didnt do anything"the boy suddenly zoomed into laying on the couch staring at them.

"iv been here all day"

"Listen peter we arent cops"logam said stepping forward.

"Of course your not cops. If you were cops you wouldn't be driving a rental"he said.

"How did you-"charles was cut off by yet the boy zooming again now sitting and eating a popsical.

"I had time to kill. I also checked your regristration. Your from out fo town"

Caroline chuckeld catching the boys attention.
She found herself staring at him.
acknowledging his features.
His silver hair to his shoulders. His brown eyes.
The pink floyde t-shirt and jacket.

"Hey whats with the gifted youngsters place?"he said as he zoomed off.

"Its an"Charles paused grabbng the card and his wallet.
"Old card"

She kept staring as they talked.
Until he was at the gaming machine. One shed never seen before.

"We need your help Peter"

"With what?"

She spoke up"a break in"

He chuckeld and kept playing"Thats illiegal yknow"

Logan glanced around"Only if you get caught"

"Whats in it for me?"

Charels looked at him dead faced"You. You kleptomaniac get to break into the Pentagon"

At this point the boy or well. Peter stopped.
He turned in his seat and looked at logan
"how do i know i  can trust you?" He asked.
"Show him" Charles said .

Logan unsheathed his claws.

"Thats cool but gross"peter said and looked at Caroline

"They serois"he asked.

"Yeah there seroiuse. You in pretty boy?"She chuckeld seeing his cheeks dust in pink.

"Im in if shes going"he simply stated

"Would you stop flirting with her."Logan said.

"Get in the car"
Suddenly she was in the car. The box hank put in beside her.
Thats when she realised.

"What the.."she turned her head to see peter.

"Hi"he said a bit quirky.

"Really?"she asked.
He nodded.

Logan Hank and Charles got in. Much to there dismay when the saw the sceen before them.

"Kiss her i will claw out your dignity"Logan said getting in the drivers seat.

She chuckeld and snuggld up to peter as she put on the seat belt.
Hank looked out the window as did Charles. Logan wasnt paying much attention.
Suddenly she felt breath agienst her ear.

And peter whisper"whats your name?"
She smiles and chuckeld and whisperd back

"Im caroline. Its nice to meet you Peter"

Hi tis the author.
Next chapter il be doing it in Carolines point of view.
Cause sooner or later were gunna have some goody shit come in.

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