the plane to Washington

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I knew Peter was still confused.

I had to tell him.
Our future is going to change.
So it wont be so bad.
But it could change everything.
I didnt have much time to think on that.

Hank rushed us into the jet as we flew to washington.

Charles had found Ravens location.
She was going to assasinate Trask. Someone who i once looked up to.
Infront of the president.
I knew that wasnt good.

So we were flying there.

I looked at Peter who was beside me he was listening to his music.

Charkes said weneeded to talk about that futurw. Me and Peter.

So we were at the back of the plane.

Finnaly I knew i needed to talk to him.
I poked his shoulder as he looked over pulling off his headphones.
"Yeah?Whats up Caroline?"he asked.

A bit unpleased i stopped him from listening to his tunes.
"We need to talk"i stated simply.

His eyes widenined and he turned to me turning his music off.

"Whats up?" He asked.

"Well remmber how me and Charles went into Logans head?"

He nodded.
"Well he showed us a memory and we were in it" I could see his face change from confused to worried.

"And?"he asked. His voice weak and scared.

"Its not bad. It was us. We were walking down the hallway hand in hand."
He smiled slightly

"How far into the future did it look?" He asked.

I shrugged"niether of us really we aged. I mean our hair where shorter and you werent wearing as much silver so..we must have matured."

He smiled"thatd take me good awhile"
We both laughed.

"Thats not what got me all tear jerked"

He looked at me"did..something bad happend?"

I shook my head.

He locked his eyes with mine.

"Yes Caroline"

"We were married"

His eyes widened like saucer plates i coukd see bits of tears welking up
and his knee started to shake.

"A..are you upset?"I asked
. Now i was the one worried.

He shook his head and pulled me close.

"No. Im just so matter what happend now. If we change our future or not. I want to be with you."

I smiled and wiped his tears away.

"I want to be with you to Peter"

"Did we look happy?"he asked.
I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Yes Peter. Happier then we can even imagine"

"Charles?"Logan looked at me.
I shot me head in his direction.
"Are you okay?" He asked.

I shook my head.

To be honest.
I wasnt sure.
I was still so overwhelmed.

I had to stop Eric and Raven.
I had to save them. There my friends.

My family

"Yes im just thingking" i said.

He tilted his head.

"If youd like. I can find more memorys of Caroline. You can look in my head again"he said.

I smiled.
"Not at the monet. But id like that yes. Its just. I mever expected her to ever get married. It was never a thought of mine. "

Logan laughed
"But your the one who pushed peter to marry her."

I chuckeld and looked at peter who held caroline close.
I looked into his mind.

Mostly filled with thoughta of Twinkies and music there was a vision.

Him and her dancing. He held his hand on her waist her head on his chest. He rested his chin on her forhead and wrapped his arms around her waist.

I felt as if...this should be memory.

I got out of his head.

It was very cheesy to admit...them already in love. It was like a Cheesy novel hank would read caroline when she was little.

But perhaps this was her...awakening a reality of hope and happyniss .

Logan finnaly got my attention

"It was wierd whenever you and peter was like you both were in a little world talking about caroline."he paused and laughed at a thought. It was to blurry for me to see.

He continued to talk

"She always talked about the first.time they met. In my future it was much further in time. But from the first momwnt they met they were in love. "

I looked bakc over at them both.

I wanted to make there future bette-..Her future better.

"Want me to bring out those memorys?"Logan asked.

I nodded and looked into his mind.

I rushed through countkess memorys.

And stopped at one

It was midnight.
Thw moon set in the sky.

He was by a river. Crying.

The name Jean rolling off.his toung countless time.

Suddenly her turned a hand on his shoulder.

A much older caroline sat beside him and layed his head on her shoulder.

Her sweet voice filled the scenery

"I miss her to Logan. But shes okay now. She will be okay. She loved you so much. She wouldnt want you to be sad"

He cried a bit more and wiped his tears nodding

"Charles said i need to get over her"he spoke his voice shattering like glass.

She shook her head

"Dont listen to him Logan. Take your time. Mourning doesnt come with ease."

I zoomed out and raced to another memory.

A small voice.filled the air.
"Logan Logan!"Caroline was running down the hallway. And jumps hugging him.
"your back i was so worried!"

This countined for an hour or two.

I many memorys.

I looked out of his head him now asleep.

I lookes.over at caroline and peter.

They were curled up on the conjoined seats cuddling.

I couldnt help.but now see his love for her

Perhaps fate will always bring them together

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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