Chapter 34

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"Maddison Minever?" a lady with a clipboard called.

"That's us baby" Niall smiled standing up and offering me his hand.

"Right this way" the lady smiled, her name badge said Dr. R Jeany, cute name, we followed her down a long bright corridor before stopping and entering a little office with her name on the door.

"Have a seat" she smiled politely pointing to two chairs in front of her desk, she sat down in her big executive chair.

"So Maddison, how far along do you think you are?" she looked up at me holding her clipboard and a pen.

"About 4 and a half weeks" I answered quietly looking at Niall who nodded and smiled at me.

"Wow, really tiny!" she grinned writing carefully onto the clipboard.

"Well we'll give you some vitamins, just to build you up as your little tinker is stealing everything then come back in about 5-6 weeks we'll call you confirming the date, let me just weigh you and measure your belly then your free to go!" she stated, that grin still stapled to her face.

"Sounds perfect" I nodded.

She lead me over to a huge scale thing in the corner of her office, I took a quick glance at Niall who was watching intently.

"Ok Maddison your a little underweight, but that's fixable" she said seriously, I looked at Niall his whole body tensed up, guessing I won't here the last of this.

"But your belly is the perfect size" she nodded putting down her tape measure, I hadn't even realised she was measuring me I was to focused on Niall's expression.

"I'll be right back, just going to grab your prescription" she smiled again politely excusing herself.

"Why haven't you been eating properly?" Niall demanded as soon as the door closed.

"I have!" I protested

"Clearly not! It's not just you anymore, your carrying OUR baby!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry ok! It won't happen again" I mumbled quietly.

"To right it won't! I'm monitoring what you eat and when you eat it, even if your not hungry!" he shouted.

"Ok" I whispered, before he could say anything more Dr. Jeany walked back into the room, thank god, with a large white paper bag.

"Here you go, see you soon" she once again grinned, handing me the bag and holding the door open for us.

"Thanks doc!" I said politely before leaving the room after Niall, who was still obviously fuming at me.

I followed him sheepishly as he stormed down the hallway.

"Niall" I called after him, he didn't turn around just stormed into the car and waited for me to get in after him.

"Niall, I'm sorry" I whispered

"I haven't been eating bad I swear! I was just underweight before I even got pregnant" I told him.

"I know I didn't mean it like that, I meant your not eating for just yourself now" he protested.

"Well watch how you put your blooming sentences together" I snapped turning my face away from him.

"Sorry" he mumbled, stopping at a cute little deli restaurant.

"What are you doing?" I questioned looking at our location.

"Were going in to eat" he smiled.

"Ni we ate a huge McDonalds 3 hours ago" I whined.

You belong with me, A one direction love storyWhere stories live. Discover now