Psychological damage

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Jack was finishing the Halloween video (Multimedia), when Anti managed to take control and end his life, leaving blood in the pumpkin that was next to him.

Help! Please someone! —Jack wanted his body back, it was in Anti's mind.  —My audience is going to get you!—  They are going to beat you, I know!  They love me!

You don't know anything, Sean.  If your audience loved you, why didn't they come and prevent you from dying?  Instead of staring?—He pulled out a small smile as he sharpened his knife covered in blood.

I ... I ... —He had left him speechless, it was true, his audience was not going to help him, his audience loved Anti and when he appeared, unlike him.

"I...I..."? Poor naive, don't you see that nobody really loves you? —Anti was waiting for some response from him, but only a sigh was heard.

At night, Anti fell asleep in Jack's bed, which had regained control thanks to the fatigue of the other. But, he was not relieved as he always used to recover his body, he only thought of those words that Anti had said before.

Weeks passed, Jack had no strength to upload videos, not even those already prepared. He was locked in his room, barely ate, and only went out to go to the bathroom or to shop. Anti insulted him more and more, but Jack didn't pay attention to him, he just thought of the words he had said before.

Wow it had affected him.

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In this case, I tried to make the case of "Psychological Damage."
I know what sometimes words can really affect, even causing trauma.
It is very difficult for some to avoid insults or words that really hurt, knowing that the other person provokes it in order to hurt and hurt the other.

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