Chapter 6 (Part II): The Crowning Ceremony

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Lucas was in deep concentration in the Chakra-Aura Dojo, meditating as he was preparing for his duties in the ceremony

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Lucas was in deep concentration in the Chakra-Aura Dojo, meditating as he was preparing for his duties in the ceremony. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Deep breath in, deep breath out. The room surrounding him was quiet and empty, with only a small ember flame on a candle burning in front of him. The smell of burning incense surrounded the air as the incense sticks surrounded the dojo. The rest of the Ace Clan was outside the building, training their defenses for any imminent threat that may occur during the ceremony. The Ace Demonstration Team practiced their fight routine as part of the crowning ceremony where Princess Kristine must demonstrate her power as an Ace Sorceress to the crowd through ritualistic combat. After debriefing the Ace Clan members on duty, Tyler went inside the dojo to grant Lucas his orders.

"Ready for your assignment, pretty boy?" Tyler asked Lucas as Lucas continued meditating. It has been quite some time since Tyler saw Lucas so focused. Just as Tyler was about to leave him be, Lucas broke his silence and spoke up.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. I've just been trying to make sense of everything Sensei told me yesterday," Lucas said. "As much as I'd like to call bullshit on the whole thing, I can't help but think there's a deeper meaning behind the Elder Draco Aurus' future vision."

Tyler could sense Lucas' troubled aura. He went over and knelt beside Lucas and stared straight ahead as he spoke.

"If I'm gonna be completely honest, hardly anything Sensei tells me makes any sense to me either," Tyler admitted. "But if there's one thing I know for sure, is to never doubt the vision of a Draco Aurus, especially the Elder Draco Aurus."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Lucas said. "You know, for a fictitious-like world we live in, the idea of something being my destiny still seems a bit much and far off for me to completely believe."

"I get what you mean, man," Tyler agreed. "This is a pretty crazy world, now that I think of it. If I didn't know of its existence and you were telling me about it for the first time, I'd definitely slap you silly."

Tyler and Lucas both share a laugh momentarily at the hilarity of RoamaVerse's concept.

"But I feel like this is gonna resolve itself," Tyler said. "As I see it, whatever is meant to happen will happen so there's no sense in trying to change it or make sense of it. You just have to live your life as if everything you have now will change the next day forever."

"I actually couldn't agree more," Lucas replied. "It's actually unlike me to be bothered by stuff like this, so I'm glad you made me realize that."

"It's what I'm here for," Tyler said reassuringly. "Now, unless you have anything else you need to get off your mind, are you ready to be debriefed on your assigned station for today?"

"As ready as I always am," Lucas said confidently.

"As ready as I always am," Lucas said confidently

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