Chapter 25: Deal With The Devil

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Universe: Earthly Reality 216

Location: University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California, USA

Year: 1992

Princess Jeanette Dinh, ever since running away from the Chi Palace, had been living with her boyfriend, Patrick Bui, in his Earthly Reality in San Diego, California, building up their lives together. Patrick was a student at UCSD and was pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology, on track to becoming a medical student. Jeanette was focused on building up her startup cosmetics business, which she named "Dinh Cosmetics & Beauty," and worked on the UCSD campus whenever Patrick had class. For the most part, their lives have been peaceful, despite Jeanette's never-ending bitterness towards her sister for taking the Throne of Outreach rather than herself. At least, as a founder and CEO of her new brand, Jeanette looked forward to the day where she would be at the top of her world with the success of her cosmetics business. With nothing to return to in the RoamaVerse, she decided it would be best to make a name for herself on Patrick's Earthly Reality.

Jeanette and Patrick were to start yet another day as they strolled together through the large San Diego campus, with students going to and from class on that busy winter quarter morning.

"I'll just be at the library while you're in class. Call me on the earpiece and let me know when you're done," Jeanette told Patrick.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine without me?" Patrick asked. "The campus is quite large and I haven't showed you where the library is yet."

"I'll figure it out. Talk to you later," Jeanette said. She kissed Patrick as he went to enter Warren Lecture Hall.

Jeanette made her way to the closest library immediately afterwards, where she passed through an empty corner of WLH's building and detected a strange presence near her. She raised her hands up in a defensive fighting position as she quickly turned around and emanated aura energy from the palms of her hands. There, she saw a ninja in Noir Clan uniform.

"No need to be alarmed. I'm not here to hurt you," the ninja said as he unmasked himself. It was the Noir Clan leader, Isao Nakayama. Jeanette went into high alert.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want from me?" Jeanette asked, still in combat position.

"I am Isao Nakayama. I'm an old friend of your mother and Sensei Hashimoto," he said, coming closer to her. "At least I was..."

"Don't come any closer. I will blast you!" Jeanette warned.

"I just came here to talk," Nakayama said. "I have no desire to fight you."

Jeanette remained silent as she backed up more, the energy in her palms becoming stronger. Nakayama looked around them and attempted to make small talk to de-escalate the situation.

"This is quite a nice campus," Nakayama said. "Are you and your boyfriend students here?"

"That's none of your business," Jeanette said. "Now get the hell out!"

"Believe it or not, but you and I are the same," Nakayama said. "Allow me to get to the point as to why I am here. I'm just curious, Jeanette. Why is it that your sister is the Throne of Outreach, but you aren't?"

This statement angered Jeanette. "If you're here to ridicule me, I'm about to throw a shuriken at you!"

"I'm not," Nakayama said as he backed up. "On the contrary, I believe you are far more qualified and worthy of the throne than Princess Kristine is. I was quite angered at the result of your mother's selection myself."

Jeanette stood silent, but the flare in her palms started slowly weakening.

"I, myself, am a misunderstood man," Nakayama said. He started pacing about with his hands behind his back. "Everything I stand for... everything that I fight for... They see it as a threat, and that it goes against everything the RoamaVerse values and exists for."

He turned towards Jeanette and softened up his tone. "Tell me, Your Highness... What is it about you that seems to be overshadowed by your arrogant little sister? What is it that your mother was too blind to see?"

Jeanette, still silent, completely distinguished the energy from her palms, but remained in the combat stance.

"As I expected..." Nakayama said in a sympathetic tone. "What they all see in you... What they claim is selfishness, entitlement, enviness... I, instead, see as self-empowering, ambitious, and a desire to prove one's self, a desire to be understood and accepted."

Jeanette lowered her guard, but maintained tough eye contact. She allowed Nakayama to approach her closer.

"All they see in you is the negative," Nakayama said. "When they're missing out on what could be great about you. My dear... I see nothing but potential in you. As I've said, you and I are one in the same. They push us aside as if we are good-for-nothing. But together, you and I can accomplish great things... Things that would benefit the RoamaVerse and the infinite Earths overall. I believe in it. I stand by it. I fight for it."

Jeanette looked down and took everything he had told her into heart. A tear rolled down her cheek as Nakayama gently placed his fingers on her chin and raised her head up.

"It's all right, dear. I understand," Nakayama said. "I'll be here for you, even when everyone else isn't."

"What is it that you want from me?" Jeanette asked.

"It's not about what I want," Nakayama said. "This is about what you want, the whole reason why I'm here. Tell me, Jeanette. What do you most desire?"

Jeanette remained silent in deep thought.

"I believe I can answer that for you," Nakayama said. "What if I told you that we could dethrone your sister... That we could remove her from power and have you be the one to replace her? What if I told you that you could have all the power, all the respect that you've so desired and deserve from everyone else? Your mother, your sister, your peers, everyone in the entire ICA Kingdom... Everyone in the entire RoamaVerse?"

Jeanette looked intently at Nakayama, and he could see the flare in her eyes ignite as he sensed Jeanette's feelings of envy, anger, hope, and determination.

"That we can achieve... I promise," Nakayama said. "The Throne of Outreach is only the beginning. Once I accomplish all that the Noir Clan is fighting for, you will be the Queen of the RoamaVerse."

Jeanette paused for a second and was in deep thought once again. "But what about my mother? And my boyfriend? Will they be safe?"

"Ah, child. Yes, of course they will be safe," Nakayama said. "I will guarantee that everyone you care about will be at our side once we accomplish what we set out to do. The only difference is, they will all be bowing down to you, as rightfully so."

Jeanette looked down at the palm of her hand and started emanating aura energy once again. She thought about everything everyone has ever said about her, from the insults from her sister's friends, to the comments ICA Kingdom media has said about her. She thought about everything Kristine had received and she didn't, and how envious and angry Jeanette was with her. In her mind, Jeanette has made her decision.

"I only desire to make the Multiverse a better place. My methods may be unconventional, but my intentions stay true. I can do without the power, that I will leave with you. I only desire to empower our brothers and sisters who are victim to history of oppression. So what do you say? Will you join forces with me and the Noir Clan?" Nakayama said as he extended his hand out to her.

Jeanette, hesitant for a few seconds, finally agreed and placed her hand in his.

"Excellent choice," Nakayama said with menacing enthusiasm.

"Tell me what I have to do," Jeanette demanded. "And ensure that I attain my rightful place on the throne."

"We will do that, and more. I will assure you of it," Nakayama promised. Together, they both dropped smoke bombs and teleported from the campus, and just like that, Nakayama had won Princess Jeanette over. She had agreed to the pact with the Noir Clan.

Roama World's The Pendant: Orphan Blade's Originsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن