Chapter 33: A New Beginning

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Universe: Earthly Reality 15

Location: Lucas' Apartment Complex, New York City, New York, USA

Year: 1999

The next two years after Lucas and Kristine reconnected and started their lives over again were ones of good growth and prosperity. It had taken them some time to bring back what was lost over the five years being apart, but the changes they went through and the sacrifices they made to make everything work only strengthened their relationship. Lucas and Kristine happily lived their lives together, despite Lucas not having access to the RoamaVerse and having to adjust with Kristine's new way of life in the Earthly Realities. Nevertheless, it was an adjustment he was more than willing to make in order to be with her. He would spend his days helping Kristine with her charity work and found himself enjoying it and being fulfilled by it as much as she had, all while still continuing to aid Dr. Price and his father in any way he could. Kristine's outreach efforts only got bigger and more successful, gaining great recognition in every Earthly Reality Asia she had extended her reach.

Over the Christmas break, Lucas and Kristine decided to spend the holidays back in New York City, where Tyler, Evaline, and Alvin all agreed to meet up after so long. The two prepared Lucas' apartment for the Christmas Eve. dinner just before their friends arrived, where they greeted them at the front door with pure excitement and joy.

"Oh my goodness, Kristine. I haven't seen you in forever, you pretty thing!" Evaline greeted her as she hugged her tightly. Evaline and Tyler had just gotten married six months prior, with Evaline now several weeks pregnant. Kristine and Lucas saw this and congratulated them as they shared in each other's excitement.

"It's nice to see you again, buddy. Merry Christmas," Tyler said as he shook Lucas' hand.

"There's no hard feelings, right?" Alvin said as he gave Lucas a firm hug after a handshake.

"None at all, boys," Lucas said as he invited them in. "I'm just happy to see everyone again."

Alvin introduced his new wife, Sarah, as well as their two-year-old son, Seth, to Lucas and Kristine.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Sarah. Please make yourselves at home," Kristine said as she hugged Alvin's new wife. She turned to Seth and gave him a gentle smile.

"Wow, you're so adorable and handsome," Kristine told him. "You'd make a great friend for our daughter."

"So we finally get to meet her?" Evaline asked Kristine and Lucas as she looked around the apartment. Just as soon as everyone entered, a little girl came running out of the nearby room and jumped into Lucas' arms.

"Hey, here she is," Lucas said as she picked the little girl up. "I'm sorry, she's usually shy around strangers at first, but give her time. She'll open up."

"Everyone, this is our daughter, Lucine," Kristine said as she proudly introduced their child to everyone else. One-year-old Lucine Dinh Nguyen was born in New York City the last time Lucas and Kristine visited. She had smooth long black hair and resembled her mother, but with her father's eyes.

"Aww, isn't she the most adorable thing?" Evaline said as she slowly approached her. "Hi Lucine. I'm your Auntie Evaline. I got something for you."

Evaline handed Lucine her Christmas present, and then pointed at her own stomach as she gently held Lucine's hand, who was still being carried by Lucas.

"This baby will be your friend one day. I'm sure they're very excited to meet you too," Evaline said. Lucine looked into Evaline's eyes for a few seconds, then slowly gave her a smile and hug, in which everyone reacted from the cuteness she exerted.

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