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After Markus left, most of the minutemen went to a defense post or started working on something else but Qrow was staring at endless amounts of brown liquors, he found one that he was familiar

"didn't know they had bourbon in their world," Qrow thought he walked over to the create and reached to grab a bottle but before he could he heard a voice yell across the room

"Hey what do you think you're doing."

"Oh, excuse me I didn't know I couldn't have this, sorry," Qrow said

"You could have that but in that other crate is some better stuff its called 'Barlovs best moonshine' best stuff you can drink," the man said

" Oh uhh ok then" Qrow picked up the clear bottle, took a small drink and then proceeded to hit the floor.

Amber woke up sore and in pain from the fight with those people who most definitely were after her powers. She looked around the room it is a grey brick room, there is different hospital equipment and in the bed next to hers is...Qrow?  Oh, brother, I bet he is drunk again.

She stood up and walked through the halls to a courtyard where there are people who are farming, standing at shops, or training.

She was scanning the surrounding when she saw a Bullhead in the distance about to land this caught the attention of the minutemen who grabbed weapons and got in a defensive position.

When the Bullhead landed a door slid open an out came ozpin Glynda and Ironwood

"Alright whos in charge here," Ironwood ask loudly

"That would be me until the general returns from a mission. What's your business?" Sturges replied

"We were wishing to speak with him and we are here to bring back a few friends of ours," Ozpin said calmly

"Well like I said the general is gone on a mission to protect one of our settlements but, you, can stay in his office until he returns, and as for your friends they are in the infirmary," Sturges said

"The girl is she safe" Ironwood asked

Sturges looked over to amber who was watching and said "ask her your self" after that Sturges walked away

The three walked over to amber.
"Are you alright, miss autumn," Glynda asked

"Yeah just tired, follow me I will take you to Qrow." Amber went back down the halls to the infirmity with the 3 in tow

When they made it back to Qrow he was sat up

"Dear good what kind of liquor did that guy give me almost made me travel through time," Qrow said

Ozpin sighed "Qrow you were supposed to be getting information on these people, are they dangerous at all."

"If it weren't for them Amber would be dead, they are only dangerous to bad people and monsters," Qrow said through his hands

"Very well. We are going to wait for this general to return so we can have a little chat." Ozpin said

Back with Markus, they were descending on the settlement which turned out to be bunker hill, the six teams juped out and fired on the monster with the pack rifles from Nuka-world.

Markus charged a bear, it swang for his head but he ducked and stabbed it in the chest with the Chinese officer sword. A Beowulf went to attack from behind, but he pulled out his sword and slashed its neck. He went over to a group of 4 settlers and helped them to a vertibird to get them back to the castle
"How many are you," Markus asked

"We had 16 lost 3 so if you can at least find the last 11, then we can go."

Markus ran back into the battle to find the last settlers which he found hidden in the monument he took the 11 and put them in the vertibird and ordered his men to grab the three bodies and go.

As soon as they all are on the vertibird Preston speaks up

"General, what are we going to do, those monsters are not like anything we've seen before they were not easy for us at least you had them pretty good"

"Well you see when it comes to stuff that runs fast and attacks with its hands use melee its easier, for me at least," Markus said

"What are the total numbers?" Piper asked

"3 dead, 4 wounded, and 9 safe" nick stated

Markus let out a deep sigh " we could have done better if we knew what we were facing, we need to train better, I just hope my talk with Qrows friend help us."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, you did well, but as you said, we don't know what we are up against."

"Were landing in the castle now." the pilot said

"Well its time to set up a refugee Center in the castle," Markus said exiting the vertibird

Markus had some people set up an area for the settlers until they can take Bunker Hill back, but for now, Markus needs to sit and ponder on what to do next.

He entered his quarters only to find Qrow, amber, and 3 other people

"Hello, my name is professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy"

"Glynda Goodwitch, vice headmistress of Beacon Academy"

"General James Ironwood of the Atlasian military and headmaster of Atlas huntsman Academy,"

Markus looked over at Qrow
"These your guys"

"Hardly he's more like our guy" Ironwood said

Qrow glared at him "very well, what is your purpose for your visit today." Markus said

"Oh we were just wondering how you all of a sudden popped into existence," ozpin said

"We were fighting a group of people who sent us here via a misfire of a teleporter," Markus told him

"Why where you fighting them," Ironwood asked suspiciously

"We were fighting corrupt scientists," Markus responded

"What was your world like" Glynda ask

"Hell" Markus sighed

"Why what happened," Ironwood asked is a way he sounded like he is accusing him of something

"OKAY what is with all the questions, im the one who is in an entirely different planet and doesn't know diddly squat about what is happening, causing me to lose 3 people and an entire settlement To those damnable monsters so before I answer any more questions I have some of mine," Markus yelled

"Okay what might you wish to know' ozpin asked

" I have a lot but my main question is what is your solution to the monsters," Markus asked calmly

"Huntsman" Ozpin responded

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