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When Markus left the room they all looked at each other and then jaune said "well let's get our uniforms, Ruby, Ren, Blake, Weiss go light.
Pyrrha you go medium, yang, and Nora go heavy, and finally, since I am the tank I will go power armor and heavy armor."

After jaune laid out their styles they got into their armor, jaune sat and looked at his he turned the valve and it opened up, he stepped in and it closed around him jaune looked around and tested his maneuverability by moving his arms and legs.

"W-well guys how do I look," jaune asked

"Like an absolutely fearless leader," Nora said

"freaking awesome jaune" Ruby said

Jaune chuckled"thanks guys, so since we are armored up should we get going to talk with the General."

"Well I don't see why not," Pyrrha said

They left the building and looked around the fort for him they eventually found him in his office with


She turned to see her little sister walking towards her in an ungodly outfit.

"What in the brother's name are you wearing and what is that," she said pointing at just

"They are wearing combat armor and 'that' is what I assume is jaune, good choice on the power armor, by the way, the good old x-01 is the highest quality for a tank combat style," Markus said

"Anyway now that you have armor lets get down to what I need you all to do, so as your first mission here we are going to try and reclaim a settlement we lost when getting here, its name is Bunker Hill"

Markus pulls out a map of the settlement and continued " m'kay so there are two entrance one on the south and the east, one team is going to attack the east and 2 will attack the South another 2 teams will secure the perimeter, after that, I will set up some turrest and station 2 teams there."

"Now for spitting up teams, team east will be Alpha, teams South will be RWBY & JNPR, finally perimeter team is going to be bravo and Charlie, I will lead alpha, winter will lead the students and Preston will lead the perimeter." Markus finished his plan

"It's a suitable plan, for now, so get your men ready and I shall have them ready at the airdocks," Winter said pointing at the students

He nodded and left to tell the plans to the men and Preston.

An hour later Markus came back in full heavy combat gear and a pack rifle he got from Nuka-world

"Well every one ready to go"

Markus got nods of approval, they all walked over to the vertibirds and left off to the site of many great battles.

A few days earlier Adam Taurus and his group of terrorists stumbled across a village that had been overrun with Grimm so he sent 2 Scouts ahead to check it out when they returned they told him about the Grimm, it was just some lower-tier stuff so they cleared it out and took it as their own while cinder and Torchwick used the other white fang.

A few days pass and they hear something go above the village, Adam goes out and looks to see 4 black aircraft flying over the base

"Men get inside the tower and stay hidden until I say so" Adam commanded

Back with Markus, he was watching the settlement, he didn't see any Grimm but he saw people in white outfits

"Guys there's no Grimm but I see a few people, jaune what do you see on your hud, any lifeforms," Markus said

" uhh yeah I see multiple in the big obelisk thing all seem to be Faunus

"Crap Guys I think the fang has taken the settlement, we need this base so if you're attacked give the ok to kill but if they surrender absolutely do not shoot them," Markus said

That worried the students more so blake, they didn't want to kill anyone but this base is important to General North.

"Guys we are doing this to help the people who lived here and if they fire at us its a declaration of war," Markus said sternly

"Incoming projectile initiating evasive maneuvers," the pilot said

The vertibird rocked back and forth until the rocket missed.

" well there's your declaration of war," winter said

"Okay, jaune I need you to get really mean and scary to be intimidating when I say get on the ground need you and your team to rush the monument and subdue any HOSTILES, not any surrendered people also take this combat shotgun and point it at anything that moves it will intimidate more. pilots go into a hover and we need to jump" Markus commanded

The pilot did so and he commanded all of them out and into position, Markus gave the signal and they all charged in to see a lone man in front of the monument hands in the air.

"Alright down on the ground and hand behind your back" Markus commanded

The lone figure complied getting on the ground

Jaune and JNPR rushed over to the tower and burst through the door and several barricades and pointed at the faunas inside who complied. The rest of team JNPR went around and handcuffed the faunas while Just outside Markus held the figure in handcuffs. Blake walked up but stopped a few feet away

"A-Adam what are you doing here"

"Hello, my love, Why I was just trying to rest, our cause is hard work so when I saw an abandoned village I thought I could rest for a while, but it seems I was wrong, but so were you ATTACK!!!!" Adam yelled but.....nothing

"Wh-what happened to all the people who were in that tower," Adam asked fearfully

A group fanaus walked out in handcuffs with jaune following behind them leading them to the vertibird.

Adam looked around and ran, the students and soldiers went to follow but Markus stopped them

"He is handcuffed and is walking into Grimm infested forest, I need you guys here because some Grimm is on there way here from the fear.

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