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Sorry I have confused you all, so to answer your questions

Only a few settlements are in Remnant

Bunker Hill is in Remnant and will have only like 3 more(you choose)

Currently, the sole survivor and Ozpins circle are talking after a grim attack on Bunker Hill.

"Huntsman?" Markus asked

"Yes, they are the defenders of this world, they fight the Grimm and keep us all safe" Ozpin said

"Hmm what do you think Preston sounds a lot like the minutemen," Markus asked

"I mean that is our job, we protected the Commonwealth's settlements from raiders, monsters, and everything that went against us, but now we can bearly fight group of bears" Preston slightly ranted

"We since you are from a different world lets explain our history so to start we don't know how life came to be but some have religious beliefs, the kingdoms were formed there was a 10-year war called the great war after that all the kings met on the island vytal and redistributed territories, abolished slavery and restructured the governments. The Faunus were given equal rights and were gifted the continent of menagerie for their own use in order to compensate for their previous mistreatment.

Vale's king founded the Huntsman Academies in each of the four kingdoms; Beacon in Vale, shade in Vacuo, Haven in Mistral, and Atlas in well Atlas. The intended purpose of the academies was to train warriors whose sole purpose would be to fight the Grimm, and whose allegiance. " ozpin said

"Then proceeded to the faunas rights revolution, after the great war faunas were free and had civil rights but they were and still are discriminated against by ignorant people, but the faunas started the White fang to protest this, although with continuous hate the grew violent and soon they are seen as terrorists only causing more hate. Well, I believe that is all you really need to know as of now so what about you what is your history." Ironwood said

"Well I was at my house with my wife and infant when our great war started, the sirens started, we ran to the vault but just barely, the bombs fell and I could feel the heat from miles away, we made it in and we got calmed down and they told us to get in cambers to decontaminate us but I went in and I just sort went to sleep, at one point I woke up and saw a man m-murder my wife and take my infant, but I couldn't do anything and I was froze again, the next time I woke up I got out of the pod and went after that man. After a long 8 months, I found him but because of me being frozen I didn't have a good passage of time so I learned that I had been frozen for 210 years and my son was now 60 years old and the leader of the Institute. At that moment I realized I had lost my son so I left and occupied myself with my duties of being the General of the minutemen, after another month the institute tried assaulting our fortresses but failed, we defended but at the cost of good men and women. We took that as an act of war and stormed their base but through complications, we ended up here" Markus explained

"Well it seems that both of us are in an unusual position see our process for settlements and a new kingdom has been lost, but what we know from a town called argus it takes a lot of firepower" Ironwood explained

"I have a plan, you said that you train warriors right? Well if you give me some teams then they can get some practical experience and in the meantime help my men in getting ready for fighting the Grimm also maybe a bit of technology to help us be able to speak to the other settlements and so we can get them help" Markus said

"Very well I will look into it I will give you Two teams and some older equipment" ozpin said

"Yes, and we will give you a small cross-continental transit tower and assign a specialist to help you with-" Ironwood stopped as he saw someone walk-in

"Uh hey, Markus, our crops are dying to the change in soil, I believe that we have about 3 days until the crops die and 8 months until the storage runs out of food" nick valentine said walking through the door

"What on remnant is that' Ironwood said

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