What People Will Never Understand (Cristiano Ronaldo Fanfic)

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Hellooooo! This is my first time making a fanfic.. or a story... or writing something. So, I hope you enjoy it! I'm sorry if it gets boring at the beggining but I promise it'll get better! Love you all and I wish you cupcakes and rainbows in your life.




I woke up to my mother's terrible screeches. She reminded me to Sirius Black's (Harry Potter) mother..Today I was having an audition to enter a ballet company that was located in Spain. Don't get me wrong, I love NYC's ballet company, but it wasn't quite the same..

"I'M UP"- I shouted back.

It was a very cold morning, even though it was spring. I stood up and packed my favorite leotard, tights and pointe shoes. I loved cold weathers, I guess it matched my personality. After taking a shower, getting dressed and having a light breakfast I made my way to the studio where my fate was about to be decided.

You see, I made a promise to my father that if they didn't choose me, I would have to stay in here and study law or medicine at NYU. And THAT wasn't in my plans.

Once in the studio I was extremely surprised by the number of girls that were auditioning. There were HUNDREDS if not thousands. And they were only choosing 3 girls. Imediately I took my hoodie off, put my pointe shoes and started warming up. I was going to do the original choregraphy of the dying swan. I had practiced for months.

After waiting for about 2 hours (though they seemed like an eternity) my turn arrived. The "judges" if they can be called that way, were sitting in a long black table, all with straight faces and judging eyes. After some minutes of silence an old woman with more wrinkles than a raisin spoke:

"You may begin."

My music started playing, I took a deep breath and started dancing. I felt as if I was in a different dimension. When I danced I wasn't myself, and the world wasn't itself either. I felt as if every worry, every sadnness, or anger would just shake itself off from my body. The world would just be happy, feeding my euphoria.

Once the music stopped I was back in reality. The judges scribbled on their papers (which just made me feel uneasy) and then the same old woman raised her head and said "Thank You. Please tell the other girl to come in".

I nodded and spun around walking bewildered towards the door. "JUST A THANK YOU?! I DANCED LIKE NEVER BEFORE!" I thought angrily.

"You're up" I told a girl who was shaking like a gelatine.

I felt devastated, like a failure. Even though they didn't say something negative, I admmitt that I was expecting a better reaction than just a "thank you". Call me insecure, but I had my reasons to be.

The next morning I would literally go everywhere with the phone (yes, that includes the bathroom). I was waiting for "THE CALL"; the call in which I would know wether I was accepted or if my application was denied.

"Mooooom! They said they would call at 10, it's 10:03! What if they forgot about me?! I bet they did, Yup I'm a failure. I was terrible.. I... I.."

"Oh RELAX. I bet you were perfect. PERFECT you listened. They will call, an they will say that you've been.."

Suddenly the phone started ringing. The caller ID identified the auditioning studio's number. This was it. This was the moment. I cleared my throat and calmly answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Good morning". A male voice said. "Is Miss Marie McCalister home?"

"You're talking to her." I answered.

"Oh hello, Miss Marie, I'm calling from the Spanish National Ballet, to inform you that you have been accepted in our company. Congratulations. We'll send you your plane tickets and all the information required".

"Th.. Thank You" I answered.


Nothing bad could happen from now on, everything was perfect. My plane tickets arrived and all the information. I was going to stay in a flat that my father bought to me. I ran upstairs to pack all my belongings and to get ready for the new chapter in my life that was about to start.


SOOOOOO, What do you guys think? I bet Marie will have some adventures, unforgettable adventures back in Spain!

So comment and vote guys! Tell me what you think could happen? Cristiano might be coming very soon! haha

Love you all!


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