I was enchanted to meet you.

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Heyyy guys! Part 2 here! I hope it gets better from here. Guess who will Marie meet!! Hahaha believe me, it will be in a kinda unusual and funny way. Hope you guys like it!



When the day finally arrived I was horribly nervous. It was the first time I was traveling by myself. All my family and friends showed up in the airport. Even my useless ex showed up (remember when I said I had my reasons to be insecure? Well, he's the rteason). He made me doubt of everyone bu specially of myself. Anyways, it's a long story and it's not worth telling.

It was a heart-breaking farewell, everyone crying, and saying goodbye, giving me presents, letters; everything. I waved a last goodbye to my parents, I entered the waiting area. I waited for about 20minutes (Yes my life is full of waiting) until some woman called all the passengers to make a line in order to board the plane.

Once in the plane I searched for my seat: 34A First Class. Once there I noticed that a figure, a man was sitting next to the window staring out of it. He had dark-brown hair, and was very muscular. In an attractive way of course. Me, being me, the shy and awkward girl, just decided to silently sit next to him. Even though that did not work. Obviously he noticed my presence and quickly spun around. That was the moment my heart stopped. It was him, wait, it couldn't be him... was I sitting next to him.. really, what!? It was Cristiano sent-from-heaven Ronaldo.

I am a big fan of Real Madrid, and obviously a big fan of.him. He didn't say a word to me (Praise the Lord for that), because obviously, my retard mode was activated. It was an 8 hour flight. I had some Harry Potter books I brought to read, my iPod and of course I could sleep. But I was not going to sleep whith one of the hottest men beside me. I had no idea how I was going to resist it.

Every 2 minutes I would observe him with the corner of my eye. Most of the time he would be using his phone or listening to music. It was very uncomfortable. When there were only 4 hours left, the captain allowed for the 5th time to take our seatbelts off. I needed to use the restroom but I have an airplane-restroom-phobia, so I decided to hold on. I supposed that all those road trips with my family could come of use. But I had never hold it for so long. I became uneasy, so I started moving around on my seat, making annoying sounds, looking everywhere...

"Umm.. are you okay?" Cristiano asked.

Holly Cow. He is talking to me. Breathe Marie, Breathe.

"Oh, haha yes. I just.. ergh.. need to use the restroom". I answered nervously.

"So why don't you go? You know, before the captain says to seat again". he said.

Gosh that accent, that beautiful and sexy accent.

"I wish I could go, it's just, well, I am a little afraid of the restrooms in planes". I said.

He stared at me with an are-you-freaking-kidding-me look. He started laughing. Oh that laugh, that smile.

"Afraid?" he chuckled. "Why on earth could someone be afraid of a restroom?"

"Well me! It's the sound it makes and the fact that we're more than 10,000 ft above land! And... Hey don't laugh!!" I laughed.

When we were done laughing he stared right into my eyes. I got lost in those chocolate brown eyes. I felt they could see right through me.

"I'm Cristiano, Cristiano Ronaldo" he said stretching his hand towards me.

"I know, I mean, I, I, my name's Marie". I said feeling embarrassed and shaking his hand.

"So, traveling to Spain? What for?" he asked.

"Yup, uhm well I'm a ballet dancer, and I was admmited in the Spanish National Ballet, so that's why I'm going. You're obviously going back to train in Real Madrid." I answered cheerfully.

"Oh do you like Real Madrid?" he asked kind of surprised.

"Oh yes! Madridista by heart!" I answered full of pride.

He chuckled and gave me a cheecky smile.

"You're not one of those crazy fans that stalk me and are only intersted in my career and money right?" he asked changing his smile into a serious face.

"What? No, of course not. Besides if I asked you about your career it would be perhaps, to ask you what is it like to play for the best team in history." I answered giving him a sweet smile.

"Thanks" he answered. "Oh, and it feels great." he chuckled.

A few minutes passed and I decided to ask something to avoid awkwardness. Even though what I was about to ask would make me feel awkward.

"So... how's Irina?" I said in a voice that was barely higher than a whisper. Irina was Cristiano's current girlfriend. Well they had just started dating at the start of this year.

"Oh, she's fine. Thanks for asking." he said in, what I would say, an uncomfortable voice. "What about you? Dating someone? Well you must be, since you're really pret.." he stopped.

My cheeks turned pink and I smiled away.

"Well, I did have a boyfriend about 2 weeks ago... but it's a long story. You'll probably get bored." I seed trying to contain a fan-girl attack.

"We have 3 hours. Go ahead, spill it out." he said.

"But, oh, fine. Well his name is James, and at the very begginning we were just friends. But one thing led to another so we became a couple. Everything was perfect the first couple of months, until he showed his true colors. Jealousy would take over him. He made me stop seeing my male friends and then my female friends. He also made me feel that I wasn't good enough and made me think that every one around me wanted to hurt me. So one day I decided to man-up and have the courage to break up with him. It was really hard, since I did love him. But it was also a relief".

"Woah. He is an idiot. I'm glad you had the courage to dump him. He doesn't deserve you". He said turning slightly pink.

During the following hours we talked about life, our origins, our story. It was strange. When I spoke with him, I felt safe, as if I had known him since childhood. I talked to him about my dreams. About dancing and becoming one of the best dancers in history. He told me how he alway dreamt of being a famous and professional football player, and how his dreams came true. Finally, the plane landed at Madrid's airport. I was terribly tired and decided to go directly to my new flat.

"Hey, can I drive you wherever you're going?" I heard a voice from behind. I turned to find a tired but with a beautiful smile Cristiano Ronaldo.

"Sure, thank you". I said.

We got into a luxurious car that was driving Cristiano home. I gave the driver my address.

"You two live near". The driver said.

"We do?" Cristiano asked taking the little paper from the driver. "Wow we do!" he said sounding excited. I chuckled.

When we were infront of my building we exchanged numbers and Cristiano then took my hand, kissed it, and whispered to me "I was enchanted to meet you".


Guuuys! What did you think? I hope you liked it! Remember to comment and vote. Lots of love xxx Gonna be updating soon. By the way, sorry for any spelling mistakes. Blame it on my Language teacher. love ya


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