The One Left Behind

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               He didn't like waiting. In fact, he hated waiting. He hated to be waiting or be left waiting. Everything about waiting was stupid. Why wait? Why do humans have to wait? Patience was not a virtue he had mastered. Yet, there he was like a fool waiting for the arrival of Joohyun.

Taehyung had said he wasn't going to pick her up. After finally not ignoring his mother's phone call. He said he wasn't going to but there he was. Waiting for her flight. At least he wasn't alone.

Ever since that night of his pain, about two or so weeks ago, Seulgi had been hanging around him. Every time he would ask, she would always reply with: "I'm waiting for my soulmate." He told her to go wait somewhere else but she was too stubborn to listen. They never really spoke before but suddenly she treated him like they were old friends.

For a moment he thought she was talking about him but she shut it down quickly by saying that she would reject him right away if that was the case. He had scowled at that but returned the sentiment. He did not need a Kang Seulgi to be his destined one.

Regardless she said she knew why he would get pain in his chest every so often, but refused to tell him because: "It's more meaningful if you figure it out and also, it's fun to see you confused and worried—not understanding why you're confused and worried." At least he didn't need medical attention.

"So, you honestly haven't seen my soulmate?" Seulgi spoke again, beside him.

"The hell? I've told you like a hundred times I haven't. Stop following me, you're starting to creep me out."

"You found yours, FYI."

Taehyung froze. He found his what? His soulmate? He was going to ask when the flight they were waiting for to come out, finally had people walking out. He stood up. As much as he wanted to loath seeing her again, his heart was thumping with anticipation. Was she just as beautiful or even more so? He was too afraid to even think about it.

He moved closer, looking at every face until he saw the one he recognized. He stood rigid. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her to be. His heart was beating crazily at seeing the person he had yearned for and loved. Joohyun saw him, smiling as she made her way to where he was.

He made a motion to walk but Seulgi placed a hand on his arm. "You hear that?"

He quirked an eyebrow. "Hear what?"

"Exactly, nothing. Not even the smallest of sounds, am I right?"

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