Chapter 17

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Rose POV
Am I hearing stuff or have I finally gone insane?

"You're joking right?" Jefferson said with his eyes wide open. Ezel looked at him but sighed at his question.

"I'm not playing, I'm expecting a child and I'm going to keep it" Ezel said with such excitement.

I looked around the room and said "Who is the guy that got you pregnant?".

Ezel doesn't answer the question and acts like she didn't hear one bit of my question. She just smiles and started to go back to her work. While the others just looked at her like she has gone insane. Angel was sitting near the window, looking at the sky.

"It's so pretty Rose"

"I know Angel, so what's up with you lately?"

She just looks away from the window and looks right into my eyes, blinks and goes back to looking at the sky. Well that was kinda weird my dudes.

I'm not gonna lie but today has been so awkward. First Ezel saying that she is pregnant, Angel looking at me. Jefferson being the loud hoe he is, which is really normal but not this early in the morning. Life is so fucking amazing, I also forgot that it's time to go grouchy shopping.

Blood comes near me to give me a list

" you have to get the grouchy this time, no cheating your way out of this. Brianna is gonna go with you"

"I wasn't planning too"

She turns around and heads to the kitchen while I look at the list.

    To buy
1. Lettuce (5)
2. Tomatoes (10)
3. Lemons (30)
4. Apples (3 packs)
5. Strawberries (8 pack)
6. Onions (7)
7. Flower ( 5 big pack)
So on

I look at the list and see Brianna coming towards me.

"It's raining, that means we get to take my car. Who else is gonna come? Just me and you?"

I look at Angel and say

"Wanna come?" She nods her head, we are heading to our personal parking spot and get inside her car.

"Buckle up! I don't wanna be responsible for any of ya getting a ticket. More like me getting a ticket Angel"

Angel gave Brianna a hard glare before putting on her seat belt. It was awkward being inside the car, I think that was the final straw for Brianna.

"Okay! Who wanna listen to some music?!"

Angel raised her hand and Brianna giggles

"I gotchu fam!"

Brianna turns on the radio and the first thing that plays is Billie Eillish Bad Guy. Brianna is jamming to the song while Angel is bobbing her head. Me? I'm recording everything that is happening inside the car. This is a keeper in our family group videos. It's gonna be lasting a long time.

Omg! I think I will update my stories when I ever feel like it. I just don't have the proper schedule anymore😂. Anyways, I am back and just know that some chapters will be short while others are long. I'm starting high school at August 15th but I have my high school orientation at August 6th. What month and day are you guys gonna start school? I'm going to be a freshman, I can't wait!

Anyways, thank you all for reading and still wait for some damn updates. Truly sorry for not updating. Love you all!❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕💕

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