Confessions (Fluff)

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Life is hard, and messy.
It always has been. Nothing more that a series of unexpected and crazy twists and turns. Every time you think you've found your way there's a fork in the road. Who knows what's down each path, to the left maybe a horde of titans death of my comrades, to the right... probably the same damn thing. But what if, just maybe, there was the love of my life sitting under a cherry blossom tree waiting for me. Reciting a confession he practiced so many times in his head. Lord one can wish.
"Captain how long have you been there?"
"Why did I scare you Jaëgar?"
"No, just wasn't expecting you so
"Have we not met here everyday for a year" I laughed.
Lord I loved how he could make me laugh when the world had left me stone cold. He's the light of my life, and today I tell him. He was twiddling with a little flowers.
"Eren." I said cupping his hands in mine.
"Levi?" he responded softly.
I felt him push the little flower into my hands.
he cut me off "I love you."
"I love you Levi."
he searched my eyes like he was looking for an answer.
"I love you too." I responded.
"You mean everything to me. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it without Mikasa and Armin.. and then you- you walked into my life. With your cold furrowed brows, your warm lips, your hard face, your soft hands, you a harsh loving contradiction. I fell and you caught me... then held me. And now- now I never want to let go."
"Don't expect anything mushy. I love you too brat." I said and pulled him into my chest.
"Don't ever forget it."

Erei~Riren OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now