Ditching Already

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Chapter 3

Ditching Already

Once they found the motel, which was a definite improvement from the one in Oregon, the two followed the same routine they always did; meaning they threw their bags on the floor and plopped themselves onto the lumpy beds.

Olivia called their friend Tim, who was a pretty great hacker if he did say so himself (Jamie would never say it to his face, but he was). He somehow did his computer magic, which he had at one point explained to the young witch. She never quite got a grasp on all of his terms and technical jargon, but she did know the techniques. She also knew how to enroll herself at the nearest high school.

Doing just that, she typed away on her laptop while eavesdropping on her sister's conversation.

"Hey, Timmy," greeted the older girl.

Hearing only one side of the conversation wasn't exactly giving her that much information, but she could practically hear the man saying, "Hey, girl. What's ya'lls new names this time?"

"Shut up," she laughed. "You are now talking to Olivia Marie Grant and her little sister Jamie Anne Grant."

They always had the same middle names, it made it easier to remember them if they all had something in common. Plus, it was something that tied them back to their real names-- not that those had been used in years.

Choosing to ignore her sister's flirting over the phone and breaking her train of thought from her past, Jamie turned back to her laptop and spent the next half hour enrolling herself as a freshman at Beacon Hills High School.

After that half-hour, she shut her laptop and leaned back on the bed. Resting her head on the uncomfortable pillow, she tuned back into the, in Olivia's opinion, "adults." She listened to her sister explaining the supernatural hit-list to their friend, or whatever he was to Olivia, before she hung up the phone with a slight smile on her face.

"You're blushing, Liv," Jamie sing-songed, sitting back up to look at her sister.

The older girl reached behind her and grabbed one of the pillows on her bed before throwing it at her little sister's head. "Shuddup."

Laughing, Jamie dodged and threw it back.

"Tim said he would dig into finding more about the supernatural hit-list thing," Olivia informed with a smile, catching the aforementioned pillow. "And by tomorrow morning we should be updated in any and all systems we are in."

"Well," smirked Jamie, "I am now a freshman at Beacon Hills High School."

"Great!" She exclaimed. "You start first thing tomorrow."

Cue the automatic deflate from Jamie.


School sucks. Not sucked, but sucks. It has always sucked, and will always suck.

It didn't matter to Jamie that it was one of the very few places she got to pretend to be a normal-- normal was boring.

Normal meant having essays to write, and homework to do.

The only part of normal she liked was getting to have friends, and it wasn't like she got to keep those for long.

Besides, she wasn't in Beacon Hills to be a normal kid; she was there to stop a supernatural hit-list and leave. Just because she used her normal face didn't mean she got to have a normal life.

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