6. | Private Tutoring Lessons pt.1

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These years have been AMAZING so far, I've made so many friends along the way, it's crazy that I'll be starting my first year of college! My health teacher has been in jail for 2-ish years now? Hard to keep up but I'm glad I spoke up in court 'bout it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and took off my black beanie to be shielded in darkness from my black hair. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair and tossed it to the side. —I've been growing out my hair ever since high school, I was so caught up in homework that I've barley seen my hair gr—





Evan opened Brian— (friend from Nogla)'s car and sat in the passenger seat looking behind his left shoulder to reach for the seatbelt and slide it over his chest.

"Where the fuck where you man! I've been waiting outside for HOURS" Brian yelled as he frustrated with his keys to start the ignition.

"It's been 20 minutes Brian. It's your fault you drove to my dorm 10 minutes early..." Evan said calmly looking at the window.

"Yeah— whatever, how've you been man? Long time no see ay?" Brian said as he glanced at Evan and smiled as he looked back at the road.

"I've been great to be honest! How 'bout you?" Evan smiled.

"Fan-fucking-tastic mate, aye Tyler actually wanted me to tell u that he's havin a party on Friday this week, you should go" Brian said as he held the steering wheel with his left hand and had his right elbow laying against the middle compartment.

"Alright. I'll see what I can do" Evan said as he shrugged and looked at the window again.

"Alllllright. We're here" Brian said as he parked and got out the car.

"I hate school" Evan grunted as he let his head fall back looking at the blue sunny sky above them.

"I knoowwww. it sucks man, I might drop out if a teacher gives me an F" Brian said as he chuckled lifting up his book bag onto his shoulders as they continued to walk down the block to College.

"You're lucky you have the CHOICE to drop out, my parents want me to stay for the 4 years...." Evan said while opening his black jacket.

"Pfffft good luck wit the dept mate" Brian said as he lifted his eyebrows.

"Yeah man, I know...." Evan said as he opened the entrance for Brian and walking in to see a big area with a man at the desk who had stunning ginger hair with a clean beard.

"Hello there!.... Names please?" He asked with a deep voice.

"Brian.... just— Brian.. they know me already" Brian said as he gestured towards a door down the hallway.

The man smiled and nodded while gesturing Brian that he may proceed.

"And you? —Handsome man?"

"U-um Evan Fong?" Evan said as he gripped his bookbag straps on the side of his nipples tightly.

The mad nodded while looking at Evan up and down then to only smile and allow him to proceed to class.

(I mean who WOULDN'T look at Evan up AND down 🤤 *insert Belle Delphine Face*)

I walked into the classroom to see a half empty filled room with all the kids sitting in the front.

"Ayeeeee Briaaaan! Sit in your assign sea— oh! And who is this?" The tall teacher said while fixing his blue tie.

"EVAAAAN!!" Everyone cheered while clapping.

Evan smiled while slightly blushing and faced the teacher which was overwhelmed from the cheering.

"Well! Exxxcuuuse me— allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mr. Denis" The teacher said as he brightly smiled and shook Evan's hand as he walked over to the board and wrote his name.

"DONT SPELL IT LIKE THIS—" Mr. Denis said as he wrote 'penis' on the board and immediately crossed it out while the whole class started bursting out laughing.

Evan giggled as he walked to the middle of the room and sat next to this pretty blond-ish looking chick. Mr. Denis laughed as he told us a short story of his younger students accidentally spelling it a 'way' he didn't approve of.

"I'm going to hand out a worksheet to everyone but— Evan... would you?" Mr. Denis held out the pile of papers towards Evan in which Evan took the paper and stood up handing out the papers until he felt a slight grab behind him as he walked to the back of the class.

It was—

The 'popular' kids.

Evan blushed deep red as he quickly handed out the papers to the boys+1girl that were smirking at Evan.

"Thank you Evan!" Mr. Denis said while taking the extra paper and putting it on his desk.

- some algorithms later -

The stupid bell rung making everyone sprint to their lockers leaving Evan, Brian... and the boys+1girl the only classmates in the classroom.

One boy leaned over Evan's shoulder and breathed lightly on his ear making Evan's spine tingle. The boy then placed a yellow sticky note on Evan's desk reading—

'Meet me in the bathrooms after lunch' - Jonathan Denis

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