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So in this I have DPA instead of the normal pokemon adventures manga. Also they go through heat in this as well because why not. Mitsumi is Platinum, Hareta is Dia, Jun is Pearl, and Koya exists. Also Green is the girl and Blue is the guy. This is swearing as well.

Interviewer: Good morning to you all...

Yellow: Good morning!

Interviewer: I hope you all have had a wonderful day so far...

Mitsumi: Thank you sir.

Interviewer: So today, I am able to talk to all the pokedex holders from Kanto to Sinnoh-

Wally: And me!

Interviewer: *laughs* And you, thats right.

Jun: So what are we going to talk about?

Interviewer: Well, on an online vote your fans voted on "heat", whatever that means.

Blue: Of course they did.

Green: *laughs awkwardly*

Interviewer: So, does "heat" stand for anything? I don't get it.

Yellow: No it doesn't actually its-

Wally: But what if it did stand for something?

Ruby: Wally no-

Sapphire: No! I want to see how this turns out!

Jun: Yeah!

Red: Hella ... um-

Silver: -Embarrassing Ass-

Koya: ... Terrible!

Crystal: *sighs*

Emerald: Hella Embarrassing Ass Terrible?

Koya: Yeah.

Gold: I love it.

Interviewer: Um, so Yellow, you said it doesn't stand for anything?

Yellow: Yeah.

Gold: But can I call it Hella Embarrassing Ass Terrible?

Mitsumi: That's all we would expect from you.

Interviewer: *laughs* You do you Gold.

Gold: Yay!

Sapphire: But we all know what it really means right?

Interviewer: I still don't so if you could explain that would be great-

Ruby: *whispers to Red* Hella Embarrassing Ass Terrible.

Red: *chokes on drink*

Yellow: *Slaps Red on the back so he stops choking*

Emerald: It does have a meaning though, Blue could you explain it?

Blue: Wha- me?!

Hareta: Yeah.

Interviewer: Sure, Blue explain please.

Blue: Koya, Red, and Silver described it better than I ever could.

Yellow: No, but what does it mean?

Green: Yeah, come on Blue! *laughing*

Blue: Ugg, fine. So its like if you have a cat and sometimes-

Red: Cats go into heat every once in a while, that's what he means.

Interviewer: I don't know what that means...

*awkward silence*

Jun: Gods your innocent, in a good way of course.

Minsum: *mumbling* That's what he said.

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