Teldryn Sero x Reader

569 12 13

Requested by~ herecomesgrace

I have written so many requests recently I am not even sure if I wrote this one already. XD

I glared at his helmet. I glared at his stupid...darn...freaking helmet. Why did he HAVE to wear it? Teldryn was currently looking up at the reddish sky, gazing around, yet looking up.

"What, Teldryn?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"We better get going. There's an ash storm coming."

"Ash wha-" Teldryn grabbed my hand, jogging towards the closest shelter. I tried yanking my hand away, but nothing happened.

"Te- Teldryn Sero!" I yanked my hand free and he only grabbed my arm hard. 

"No time to stop and talk, Y/n. If we get caught in that ash storm, it could be the last of us. You don't want that, do you? I mean, hey, if you do, by all means, go right ahead, but I'm going to a shelter." I growled and stomped my foot like a child. He chuckled and pulled me with him. Half an hour later, we finally made it to a reasonable shelter. It wasn't an actually house or something, but it could protect us.

"Teldryn, are you sure about this?" I asked. Teldryn sniffed the air, pulling me behind him.

"It's coming..." I scoffed and saw nothing.

"Yeah, and so is the Easter bunny. Teldryn, this is ridiculous." I went in front of him, going out of the cave that we were using.

"Y/n, no!" Teldryn yelled. I ran far from the cave, and by far, I mean only a few feet. Teldryn didn't dare take a step out of the cave. Instead, he was reaching out for me, as if that'd work. 


Something was off.

Something was coming.

Something big.

A whirring sound surrounded me as I saw a hurricane of black ash coming right towards me. I tried running, but I was stuck. Not stuck as in I was caught on something, I couldn't move my body. A strong force was stopping me. I  was knocked down hard by a strong gust of wind, and I tried to get up. Every time I was on my feet, I was knocked over harder, and harder, and harder. I didn't notice the rocks next to me because of the ash. I was finally on my feet, feeling sturdy, but was knocked down hard. The breath knocked out of me and my head meeting the rocks. The last thing I saw was a figure approaching me. Then, darkness.


I woke up wheezing and coughing, begging for air. I wasn't in the middle of the ash storm, anymore. Instead, I was in a cave. I saw Teldryn by my side. I coughed again, and Teldryn looked down at me. I felt angered that he was still wearing that helmet.

"Teldryn." I croaked. He placed a gloved finger to my lips, then handed me some of his water.

"Drink this. It will help you." I took the water and drank most of it, clearing my throat and spitting out some ash. But it didn't help. It made it worse. I coughed more, wheezing and gagging. Teldryn placed a hand on my back, rubbing it comfortingly.

"I've heard you could get a side effect from being caught in ash storms. I guess this is it, then?" I glared at him and spit out some more ash. Teldryn sighed and placed his hand on my neck, surprising me. 

"What are you d-"

"Stand still, don't talk, and listen to me." I rolled my eyes and looked down at his arm, only to see a yellow glow. He was trying to heal me. 

"Turn." I turned my head a little, and Teldryn sighed when he ran out of magicka. I coughed more, making Teldryn frown beneath his helmet.

"I'm sorry." He whispered sadly. 

"Hey, it's n...not your fault." I tried to not cough, but failed. He inched closer, leaning on me. 

"Hey Teldryn?"


"How does ash not get in your helmet?" Teldryn chuckled and traced a part of his helmet softly, turning away from me slightly.

"There are filters that push the ash out- Wait a minute." He took off his helmet quickly, shoving it on me. I gasped and gazed at him. I gasped again sharply as I felt my lungs become free of ash, magically, it seemed. I took off the helmet, breathing in the fresh air. I closed my eyes, not realizing I fell asleep.


When I woke up, there was a tub of hot water in the corner of the cave and I saw Teldryn sitting on a chair. How did he get a hot tub and a chair in the cave? WHEN did he? I then realized something. Teldryn was shirtless.

"Teldryn?" Teldryn giggled, making my face heat up. His smile was great, let me tell you that.

"Well, good morning, corpse. I set up some things for you. A hot tub," He pointed to the steamy hot tub, " and a comfy chair." I got up, wobbling left and right. Teldryn walked to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, helping me right myself.

"Sorry,..I haven't stood since... the storm." Teldryn smiled and ruffled my messy hair.

"It's alright. I'm here to help you, aren't I?" I smiled back and nodded. I blushed and realized another thing.

"Um, Teldryn...could you go and uh... pick some berries for me?" I needed him out so I could undress and get in the tub. He nodded slowly, then went out. I quickly undressed, throwing my clothes on a very convenient rock ledge. I got in and relaxed instantly. Ten minutes later, Teldryn returned and chuckled when he saw me leaned back with my head back and eyes closed.

"What? I'm relaxing. Put the freaking berries over there." I told him. He laughed quietly and put the berries on the ledge. After an hour of relaxing, I told Teldryn to go hunting so I could dress myself. When he returned, he had a rabbit and a deer. I stared at him, looking at his messy, black mohawk, his gorgeous eyes, his warpaint, his biceps...chest. He noticed and smirked. 

"You know, Y/n. It is rude to stare. But I don't blame you." I blushed.

"What do you mean by that, Sero?" Teldryn walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled me against his chest. I realize it was wet, along with his hair. He smirked more, pressing his soft lips to mine quickly.

"You know, you really do look beautiful today. For a Y/r." 

"Um, than-thank you?" He kissed me again, and pulled back as quickly.

"And your eyes are so sparkly." He kissed me again. "Your hair is so silky, surprisingly." Again, he kissed me.

"T-Teldryn..?" He pressed his lips hard on mine, and I kissed back. He pulled me closer, making me wrap my arms around his neck. After a good while we pulled back, smiling and blushing. I snuggled into his chest and heard his heart beating rather quickly.

"Well, look at you. You're nervous." I teased. He chuckled.

"If I was nervous, you would know. I am actually just surprised." 

"By what?" 

"The fact you like me." I smiled sweetly at him and hugged him. He hugged back tightly, but comforting. 

"Can I say something that may or may not be cliche?" I asked. He nodded, feeling his elf ears brush against my hair. "I think I might love you."

"I think that's cliche. But I love you too."

"You do?"

"I have for two years, Y/n."


"Come, let's go to bed." Teldryn pulled me to a pile of fluffy blankets and pillows and laid down. He pulled me close to him, making me nuzzle him. He kissed me tenderly on the lips once more, then we both fell asleep.

I'm not sure if this was good or bad?

1274 words

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