On Our Way

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Hiccup's POV

The bar. Out of all the wonderful places in the world, we just had to go to the bar. Wow. And not just any bar, oh no, Mr. Jack Frost had to choose the KARAOKE BAR. Mental, anyone?

"Quit complaining, Hiccup, " said Jack. "It's not that bad." " Yeah, Jack's actually right, for once," calls Eugene from the car. " Shut up, Eugene. Get your butt down here into the car and go to the bar! "

Sighing, I reluctantly trudged down the stairs and walked to the car. "The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back," said Kristoff.

Obviously, this is gonna be the best day of my life.

Jack's POV

Hiccup seriously needs lessons on how to live. His idea of living is pretty much just morphing into a bookworm.... Not exactly fun.

My phone beeped. "Hey, guys! We just got a text from the boss!" I called. "What'd he say?" asked Hiccup. " I'm driving, you check." I replied, handing my phone back to him.

We heard a gasp. "There's group of girls that were spotted where we're staying." Flynn snorts. "So?" "Soooo they're from another agency and apparently they're 'dangerous'," said Hiccup making air quotes.

"Any pictures?" I asked. " Yup," said Hiccup, popping the p. " Check it out." I grabbed the phone and looked at the screen. The guys crowded around.

Silence. "So." "So?" "So." Another awkward silence. "Am I the only one who thinks that the blonde is hot?" asked Flynn.

Silence. " I think you are the only one who thinks the blonde is hot, Flynn." I said cautiously. Flynn slides back in his seat. " Whatever."

Hiccup finally breaks the tension. " Anyhow, let's be careful, shall we?" "Yes, we shall," replies Kristoff.

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