On the Lookout

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3rd person's POV

        "Hey, guys!" Anna called. " Mulan sent us and e-mail!" ( I know, I'm old fashioned. ) "What's it say?" Merida asked enthusiastically. "See for yourself." replied Anna. The four gathered around the computer.

        To : The girls

        From: Mulan

        Girls, I know you're on your vacation, but this is urgent. There is a group of four boys that are also from a spy agency and were spotted around where you're staying. Their names are Jack Frost, Hiccup Haddock, Eugene Fizherbert, and a Kristoff Bjorman. Below is a picture of each of them. Be careful, and be on the lookout.


        The girls looked at each other. "Why 'be careful' ?" questioned Elsa. Punzie shrugged. "Who knows? Who cares?" "Well, we gotta at least check what they look like." said Anna. She clicked the file below the e-mail.

        Murmurs of shock and disaproval spread around the room. No wonder Mulan said to be careful. The four boys seemed rather menacing and strong. Who knows what could happen if they ran into them?

        "I guess we better set up a code if we find one of them at the bar...." Elsa said. "But what?" They all sat and thought for a moment. "I know!" squealed Punzie. " If we see that Jack guy, tap your index finger!" " Yeah!" agreed Merida. " For Hiccup, do the middle finger!" "Ring for Eugene, and pinky for Kristoff!" "Nice job, Punz." said Anna. Now they were ready.

A/N I'm sorry for the short chappie! I'm just really tired these days.... Homework! Ugh!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully I'll update tomorrow.......

Stay tuned, my lovely happibugs!!!!!!

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