Chapter 12 🌙

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The ship began to shake once more and chaos ensued. People were running in every direction, cadet, civilian, and others alike. Shop owners were coming out of their stores to see what all the fuss was about only to quickly run back inside and shut the doors. Some of the shop owners were encouraging people to run inside. The exits were soon to be crowded, leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves.

"What the hell is going on?" Carter says, making his way through the crowd.

"No idea yet!" I screamed over the chaos.

Soon soldiers arrived, they were posted at the exits and getting people to get into single lines. Some of them looked human, some not so much. Some of them had scales, there were other reapers like Belkov, some even had different colored skin. We were used to the various species on the ship by now, and people started to calm down ever so slightly. I know Dominic was around somewhere I could sense him.

"Let's head for the exits," I said.

We slowly make our way to the exits. It's about thirty minutes later. Ahiliya stands off in the distance, he never glances back which somehow irritates me. I was sure I didn't care for his attention or how hot he was, but still it bothered me that he wouldn't give me the time of day as if I didn't matter. I was snapped out of my reverie as I saw a kid in the corner huddled up.

Her dark hair tickled my brain. I walked closer, and tried to look as harmless as possible.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

The child looked up under her dark hair, and I immediately knew who she was. It was the kid I saved. In all of this mess I had forgotten all about the events that lead to now.

"Hi there, do you remember me?"

She nodded, a small smile on her lips. As my friends arrived she glanced at them suspiciously. She backed into the corner a little further, and her eyes darted left to right. My friends stood slightly farther away, but close enough to be of assistance if anything went down. Carter walked up touching my shoulder.

I saw her eyes widen, and I could see the warmth flush to her skin as she looked away from him. I let out a small chuckle, and shook my head. Even the younger kids weren't immune to the woes and beauty of the men on this ship.

"We're friends remember? And this is my good friend Carter. Would you like to meet him too? Maybe later we can go to the banquet hall and have some dinner together." I said smiling.

"These are all of my friends and my sister. This pretty Asian girl right here that's Xiao. The pretty and tomboyish blonde is Rebekka, and this is my sister Farren even though we look nothing alike." They all waved back smiling.

By now Ahiliya had joined the mix, and was making his way over to see what all the commotion was about.

"This pretty guy right here with all the hair is Ahiliya. He's my friend too he just doesn't know it yet." I winked and she giggled as he looked on horror.

Finally she got up, dusting herself off. Carter whistled.

"Well aren't you a pretty young lady. I'm sure if my little brother were here he would think you were quite a catch. But don't tell him I said that if you ever meet him. He's pretty shy, besides that he thinks dark-haired girls come from heaven."

"Heaven? That's the silliest thing I ever heard," she said.

"No, it's true. He says dark hair is the best hair. Yours is shiny and healthy he'd probably have a heart attack if he saw it."

She smiled really big, then waved to all of my friends before quickly hiding being my leg.

"So what's your name?" Xiao asked.

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