Chapter 19

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The next day of the banquet was filled with fun and games. Everything from sports, to dancing, to swimming races. I had finally let loose and thoughts of Dominic were entering my mind lesser than before. I donned a gold swimming suit complete with golden sandals and my hair braided into a crown. I was holding myself underwater for a few moments because it allowed me to escape from the world.

I gulped down water as someone pulled my leg. I began splashing around like a madwoman and finally popped out of the water like a distressed fish. I smiled looking up at Carter. I hadn't seen him in a while. I was so caught up in everything that was going on that I hadn't really given it a second thought.

"Hey stranger," he says.

"Hi yourself."

"Seriously it's good to see you. I see you're adjusting well being that you know, the earth is doomed, we're all most likely going to die. You know that whole spiel, " he says making a face.

"Well just because I don't show it doesn't mean I'm not just as stressed and scared as everyone else. In the end that will get us nowhere. The best thing we can all do is learn how to survive."

He leans back on a chair.

"Amen to that, " he whispers.

"So the banquet is a nice break from everything. If I had to run one more lap this week I would have shot myself out of the airlock, " I say groaning.

"Hey, I've been watching. You're getting better at everything. It just takes a little bit of time."

"But what if I take too much time?"

"You'll do great trust me I can see it. Besides we're supposed to be having fun. Not worrying about whether or not we can live up to this whole thing."

"You're right so what shall we do first?"


It was sometime later when I met up with the girls again. That was after me and Carter had played a round of laser tag, won prizes at the swimming competition, did some very cool simulations, and even played a round of what appeared to be anti-gravity basketball. I spotted Aahiliya strolling past carelessly. His beautiful hair in a long braid, and he wore a white tee and sweats complete with the shop's finest kicks.

"Hang with us, " I say.

He eyes Carter warily.

"I think I'll pass."

"Come on it will be fun, " I say with my brightest smile.

"Indeed it will, " Rebekka says purring.

The look of horror on his face says it all and we immediately burst out laughing. Even Carter joins in on it.

"So what's your story man? Big guy, long hair, broody, something must have happened right? I mean you can't be a dick by nature with that hair, " Carter says.

"Haha very funny, " Aahiliya retorts.

"I'm going to call you Ali, " I say.

"Ali?" he says raising a brow.

"Well your name is beautiful, but I like to name the people I care about."

"You care about me? I'm touched we've known each other barely a second, " He says in a hard voice.

"Yeah, we're like a family. We're all in this together as crappy as it may be."

He sighs and leans back in his typical bad boy fashion. To be honest that was probably my attraction to him. The darkness in him made me want to shine a light and show him that things could be better. But even I knew deep down he wouldn't ever completely change. When you've seen hard times, horrible things, and rough nights you will forever have a perspective of the world that couldn't be altered, but it could be changed in a way where it remained the same.

"I grew up on the south side of my town. I seen a lot of things, didn't really know my family that well. It's hard to explain. Everybody was private, but we were open to one another I was like the black sheep, " he said staring off into the distance.

"My parents were outcasts. They were druggies, criminals, abusers. You name it. So I grew up taking care of my little sister and I want to get back to her. I promised her that I would always protect her and that's what I intend to do. No number of miles or any force that exists could keep me from fulfilling that promise."

     I could see something in Carter's s eyes. Maybe they related in some strange way. For now, the tension between them whatever it was had been put to rest. We continued chatting about various subjects, and Ali even gave his input. Before long a crowd had gathered and we all chatted amongst each other. We stayed close never was there a moment where we weren't watching each others back. My heart thumped as I can to the realization that all of these guys had become my family.

     Activities were winding down, and slowly people began to trickle towards their rooms filled with a sense of normality after the day's activities. People had their share of snacks, games, conversation, and just all-out fun. Even the teachers let loose. If you let yourself you could almost forget that you had a home elsewhere.

     We had all headed back to our room for the night. Carter and Ali had walked us here then walked back to theirs. We stayed up chatting some more, and in Rebekka's case that meant telling us how hot Carter and Ali were every single five minutes. I wanted to take a quick shower, but my eyes grew heavy even though internally I was screaming at myself about how I felt dirty from the days festivities.

     It was sometime later that I heard a knock at my door. It looked like we were all awakened at the same time because in the dark I could make out the other girls faces. Eyeing the door warily we formed a circle ready to kick ass and take names later. I opened the door with my fist tightened and lunged into the hallway. We all came crashing down due to the lack of light that was usually there, and we gasped seeing glowing red eyes.

     "What the hell!" I heard Demetrius shout but in a whisper.

     "What the heck are you doing here?" I asked.

     "Getting beaten by teenagers apparently. Do you guys just swing on anybody who knocks at your door!"

    "Yes we do when adult weirdos show up at our door in the middle of the night, " Rebekka says.

     "Not very polite to beat on someones door like a psycho, " Xiao says.

    "Yeah you could have been anybody and we would have taken you out before you got the drop on us, " Farren said.

     "Belkov is always welcome, however, " Rebekka says winking.

    "Shut up, " I say rolling my eye.

     "Now what the heck are you doing here?" I ask.

     "There's something we need all of you to see, " Belkov says.

     "In the middle of the night?" Xiao asks.

    "Ow!" Someone says.

     I see another pair of red eyes assuming it's another reaper with Belkov.

    "Carter? Ali? What the heck is going on here?" Farren asks now on high alert.

    "Come with us it's urgent. We have a problem that we think only all of you can solve, " Demetrius says.

     "Fine, but if you try us I'll be the first to hit you over the head, followed by everyone else and we will kick your ass, " I say.

    "Agreed, " Carter says.

    "Except maybe Belkov because you know he's a reaper so maybe hit him and run like hell?" Rebekka asks.

    "This is priceless you're scared of reapers?" Xiao asks.

    "Well if you haven't heard they are blood thirsty killing machines, " Rebekka says defiantly.

    "I'm still here you know, " Belkov says whispering directly in our ears making Rebekka jump out of fright.

    I roll my eyes. Could this night get any worse?


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