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"oooo get it Oli"

"they're so cute"

"do you think they..?"

"shut up Daniel! not our business"

I peeked my eye open and saw Oli listening to Elena and Daniel talk about us. he winked at me and acted asleep so I did the same.

"should we wake them"

"I'm not positive"

"damn her boobs are-

"I'm awake. I can hear you" Oli said breaking his act. we both sat up in the bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and Oli stretched out his arms.

Daniel stood looking very hungover and Elena was wrapped in a blanket with her platinum bleach blonde hair in a messy bun.

I gathered myself and stepped out of bed stretching out like a baby dinosaur.

I went down stairs getting my phone and texting my friends noting I'm awake.

Alex- "hey guys we just woke up come over whenever"

Luna- "we?" mmmm kinky 😉

Alex- shut up moon child

Quinn- shhhhh child is sleeping

Rella- moon child the rest of the squad and I are on our way now.


I laughed and sent them for like the 4th time. I went to the kitchen to make some coffee, I sat against the counter waiting, texting and slightly dosing off every now and then.

smells of coffee mixed with French vanilla creamer filled the air making me happier than ever.

I poured myself one cup and sat on the counter with my legs crossed. Daniel entered the kitchen and reached for the coffee I quickly swatted his hand away

"ahh what the hell" he said squinting, probably hangover effects from the light, and rubbing the part of his hand I hit

"mine" I glared at him

"you make like 3 fucking cups" he pouted

"I'm not a morning person" I said slightly joking but at the same time serious

"why the hell would you need 3 cups of this shit?!" he looked at me as if I was mental

"mine" I repeated

he walked away awkwardly and plopped on the couch

"resqwater comin your way" I said opening the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of the anti-hangover drink and thew him one

"true friendship" he joked

Oli interrupted our moment "hey I'm gonna head back to my place to get some stuff for the show I'll be back in a bit"

"stop by my place and get me stuff too, you know where the spare is" Daniel said not moving from the couch

I joined him to watch tv, about an hour passed and I heard the doorbell. I got up to answer it but they let themselves in

"HONEY IM HOME" Quinn yelled holding out her arms. I laughed and hugged her

"hey losers" I said as we all had one big group hug

Luna had long blonde hair, her makeup was simple but it was enough something, she wore black hightop converse black shorts and her usual shirt that says "I only wake up for bacon" she's more of the ironic one.

Rella had wavy blonde hair that usually was up. she put on a flannel and jeans today. Rella's the crazy fangirl

Quinn has fucking long black hair with purple in parts of it. she has shark bites and her dimples pierced. she wore her usual jeans and a band shirt - today it was Asking Alexandria - and black vans

Aria had on a Fall out Boy shirt with dark blue shorts and dark brown mid-length hair

I on the other hand, had my dark red hair up with pajama shorts and a shirt on

"well don't you look cute" Aria joked looking me up and down

Daniel walked in "loud. very loud" he said slumping over and putting his head on my shoulder.

"this, is a very hungover Daniel, Elena's in the shower and Oli went to go get his stuff from his place"

"which ones yours?" Luna whisper yelled

"Elena" I scowled at her joking

Rella elbowed her in the ribs "it's Oliver, that ones hers"

"he's a human not an object." I joked leading them upstairs to the master bathroom to get ready.

I blasted a mix of Breathe Carolina, Of Mice & Men, Chelsea Grin, Fall Out Boy-for aria- and slipknot as we got ready

Luna ended up curling her hair, I straightened mine and threw on black shorts and my slipknot bro tank. I did my makeup as a sort of pin up look. I put in my regular gold compass gauges, gold nose ring and gold septum bull ring. I took out my little diamond angel bites.

"woah woah woah your taking them out?!" Rella exclaimed

"i guess it's time for a change. it's just too much" I shrugged it off I've had the same piercing for like 4 years it was getting boring

"this is new" Quinn added straightening her hair for like the 80th time

Elena met everyone and they all seemed to like her. she wore a teal crop top and black ripped up jeans.

Daniel appeared in the mirror "babes here" he joked as I heard someone put keys on the counter downstairs. before I could even move it seemed like my friends had sprinted down the steps to see him leaving me and Elena sitting looking at each other

"holy fuck" I mumbled rushing after them all.

by the time I reached the kitchen they had all been introducing themselves. Oli looked confused and nervous so I pushed through and made them take a few steps back. I turned back to Oli who had his eyes set on me

"damn" he whispered putting his hand on my hip and kissing me.

"now I gotta go make myself look hot" he joked. he threw Daniel a bag as they both walked up the stairs

"he's hot" Quinn giggled

"mine" I replied

"no not that oneeeee- the other oneee"

"all yours child"

"thank you mommy" she said as she waddled to me and hugged me. this is why she's the child. little fetus Quinn

about 30 minutes later Oli and Daniel came down the steps. Oli in one of his dropdead shirts boots and jeans. Daniel wore an anthem made shirt, maroon vans and jeans.

"ready" Oli smirked at me

"LETS GO BITCHES!" Daniel yelled and started to skip out the door

when we got outside Molly & Matthew were waiting for us. I didn't know Molly, I had never met her before but apparently her and Elena are twins. but Molly was the shorter more outgoing twin. and unlike Elena she cursed a lot which was weird because I can't recall ever hearing Elena curse.

Molly brought her boyfriend Keenan with her. he seemed like an asshole but eventually he was kinda okay.

we all piled in the car some people laying across others laps, some in the trunk and some in Keenan's car.

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