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after the concert I kind of enlightened myself. I knew I needed to stop being so unmotivated and sobbing around all the time so I tried going back to work and doing things again.

I went to work everyday, and to the little coffee shop on the corner but I don't feel any different. I still feel drained and sad, I thought it was just hormones but my doctor informed me it was more than that. he suggested I was put on an anti-depressant again even though I thought I could stop a few years ago but turns out I shouldn't have. but I had to take some special baby proof one that won't make my baby come out with 5 arms and 3 eyes.

I still sat in Quinn and Jordan's guest bedroom all day only going to work, the coffee shop, doctors and back.
Rella Luna and Aria came to visit me and update me on all the stupid shit going on at school, as I'm being homeschooled and graduating in December because I'm taking more classes and credits than the average but I'm taking classes online.
Jordan was home along with the rest of the band but I haven't returned Oli's calls and texts. I was too nervous but at the same time I was dyeing to talk to him.
Lee and I hung out a lot, he would come over with Deni, his girlfriend, and we would go mess around at the beach.

today Rella was coming over to watch old movies all day with me, while Jordan and Quinn went upstairs to watch horror films all night, but I could tell something else was happening 😏

I forced myself out of bed getting in and out of the shower quickly, I put my hair into a bun and put on a black v-neck, my jacket and black leggings.

from: Quinn 🐱🎈
Rella's here Jordan and I will be up stairs watching the grudge
to: Quinn 🐱🎈
"watching the grudge" 😏 sure 👉👌

I texted back getting Quinn screaming "ya nasty" from upstairs

I let out a laugh walking to the door and letting Rella in and walking to the living room.
"MITCH!" she grabbed Quinn's black kitten walking outside towards the beach.
"I don't think he likes the water or should be outside" I said trying to grab the cat
"he's fine" she said holding him close as he slowly fell asleep.

"where's Milo?" she asked confused
"asleep. he's always asleep on my bed it's like he owns the place" I joked
"oh my god look at them" she said with a disgusted look on her face
I looked to where she was, I saw a group of girls in bikinis that didn't fit at all and crop tops walking towards us.
while we sat with a black kitten in skinny jeans, and almost all black on the beach.
as they ran by they laughed, and mumbled ignorant remarks. I could make out ''emo'' and ''goth''
Rella and I looked at each other rolling our eyes.
"get ready to go back to the house" I said to Rella who gave me a weird look.

"where's the other half of your shirt honey? did you eat it?" I yelled at the girls as we both quickly got up and ran back to the house.
the girls looked at us shocked with eyes wide.

we made it back to the house
"movie time?" I asked sitting on the couch, Rella sat by me agreeing.
"Disney movies?" I asked
"nah not that type of day"
"the ring?" I looked at her knowingly
"YES" she practically screamed

I went on Netflix to find the movie.

the doorbell rang.
"expecting anyone?" Rella questioned
"nope. I'll let Quinn get it" I said trying to ignore it.
it rang again.
"QUINN!!!" I yelled
"BUSY" Jordan answered for her
"kinky" I said getting up and walking towards the door.
when I opened it I was not prepared for what awaited.
my eyes went wide, I could feel myself blushing my checks probably turning the color of roses. I felt chills run over my body.


// A/N:
Sorry I ended the story like this I'm definitely going to write a sequel and publish it in a few days to a week 😁

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