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"flight 22 has just landed, please greet your loved ones at gate B" a young girl said over the intercom trying to sound happy and peppy. she wasn't fooling anyone.
Daniel, Matthew, Elena, Quinn, and Luna ran towards the gate. I just fast walked, the group looked back to me and slowed their pace.
"I got this" Matthew said as he put me on his back and continued to the gate led by Daniel and the others, earning odd glares from the adults and children greeting family surrounding us.
I guess it's not everyday you see a group of tattooed and pierced punks running through an airport on each other's back. you can imagine how foolish we looked.
Matthew put me down in front of the big hallway and we all waited, impatiently tapping our feet and mumbling things like "hurry up". Elena constantly checked her phone hoping for a text from one of the guys.
I looked down at my outfit. I wore a big sweatshirt to cover my growing belly, yoga pants and vans. I put my red hair up in a messy bun revealing my gauges and industrial bar, I took out most of my piercings, lately I just grew out of them. I kept my nose hoops septum and lip stud; my favourites.
"I hope he doesn't mind" I mumbled
"mind what?" Daniel gave me a confused look
"I look like a fucking egg." I groaned.
"hey! none of that! your a fabulous egg" Quinn said looking to me and back to the hallway. we all laughed until a familiar voice was heard.
"my bitches!!!" Matt N yelled dropping his luggage and holding out his arms.
we all looked over to see the guys liked up at the end of the long hallway smirking and laughing.
Oli ran to me picking me up and plunging his lips onto mine. I smiled through the kiss cupping his face with my hands.
I really fucking missed this.
I felt a year run down my face. damn pregnancy hormones. he put me down and hugged me. it started out as a casual hug and turned into him squeezing me and waddling around back towards the group, I didn't want to let go and it was clear the feeling was mutual.
when we reached the group a weird side came out from everyone. well weird to us. everyone seemed to emotional about not seeing each other in so long.
I felt a familiar arm snake around my back resting on my hip. I looked up at Oli who was smiling, "I missed you baby" he said holding my hand with his other arm.
I wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him tightly. I casually moved his hand from my hip to my shoulder hoping he didn't feel my enlarged stomach.
"okay princess I wanna say hi to my friend now" Daniel said standing behind the two of us.
I let go so everyone could greet Oli, I went over to the group of guys.
Jordan was holding Quinn from behind wrapping his arms around her and laying his head on her shoulder kissing her cheek every now and then and laughing. Lee stood talking to Matt Kean and Luna.
Matt Nicholls took me aside from everyone. he looked around as if to make sure no one was looking
"have you told Oli about ..." he looked around again "Baby Oli?" he mumbled
"no I'm telling him when we get home or after that or sometime. just don't talk about it"
we walked back to where everyone was waiting to leave. we got in a bunch of cabs with everyone's luggage and went home.
Oli and I entered the door and he threw down his bags and dropped his keys. he lunged at me picking me up and carrying me to the couch
"holy shit I missed you" I muttered
he laughed and threw me down onto the couch, he sat me on his lap and continuously kissed, cuddled, and squeezed me. I let out a few giggles
"Oli I need to talk to you"
"later" he said kissing me once again
"now I change" he walked back to the bedroom as I heard him ramble through his clothing
"what the fuck alex" he screamed from down the hall. I heard heavy footsteps getting closer and closer. what did I do?
he came out holding up a guys shirt and boxers,
"this isn't mine so who's is it?"
I thought for a second "I-I don't remember" I thought even harder, "I've been gone three fucking weeks. who the fuck has been here? why the hell are there another guys boxers in our house?" he started to raise his voice slightly scaring me
"are you accusing me of cheating?" I questioned
"what else could it be?" he was at a full yell by the end of his short sentence. his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow.
I though again...
last week Josh spent the night in the guest room because he locked himself out and his boyfriend was gone with the keys.
I burst out into laughter. I opened my eyes to see Oli standing still holding the clothing items with veins popping out of his neck. "Oli's those are Josh's" I laughed
"are you fucking serious" he turned around and walked towards the bedroom. I lifted myself off the couch and followed him, he sat on the edge of the bed breathing heavily running his fingers through his hair.
"Oli josh slept over last week. nothing happened but he locked himself out of his flat and his boyfriend was out of town visiting family so I let him stay here." I put extra emphasis on 'boyfriend' and let out another giggle "josh is gay".
Oli looked up at me letting. out a sigh of relief "well fuck" he stood up to face me.
"Oli we have to talk now", he say down on the bed as I walked to the vanity opening a drawer and taking out some papers.
I joined him and crossed my legs trying to sit up straight. I took a deep breath trying to gather up the courage I desperately needed.
I handed him the papers, he gave me an odd look and I just pointed back down to them. I watched as he read through the first page, he flipped to the next, I knew this is where it had the results. I took off my sweatshirt revealing my black tank top and slightly bigger than usual stomach. I took one more deep breath and opened my eyes.
Oli looked up at me with a blank expression. maybe just a slight bit of surprise on his face but nothing more.
"I get it if you want no part in this or to leave, I just suggest you do it now becau-
he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in crashing his lips against mine, he moved away "holy shut. you're pregnant." his mouth crept to a slight smile. I furrowed my eyebrows showing my confusion.
he put his hand over my stomach "we're having a baby Alex,
FUCK WERE HAVING A BABY" he smiled and kissed me again. "we gotta tell everyone" he jumped up grabbing his phone
"let's not tell the fans, they will go ape shit" I suggested. he nodded his head in agreement.
"but it's good your excited, I have an ultrasound tomorrow." I smiled awkwardly
"how long have you known?" he questioned
"only about a week"
"why didn't you tell me?" he looked worried
"I didn't know if you would want it. we've never talked about it before so I was just scared."
Oli walked over and put his hand on my thigh "don't be scared we're doing this. Alexzondra Rene Carter I love you and I'm here to stay" I smiled at his words and felt a sense of relief.

I thought to myself;
It doesn't get better than this.

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