10. King of the Demon Realm! Epic Fight With Gohan

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"We are expecting an arrival soon" Mira says

"Is it Dabura?" Towa says

"Yes, Nice guess"

"I hate that guy"


"He thinks he is so powerful when he is weak"

"I suppose"

Goten is walking around the city with his girlfriend. He sees Gohan eating in a restaurant and goes the other way. They head into an alleyway and see a portal opening. Dabura pops out and is shocked by Goten and his girlfriend. Gotens girlfriend runs away and it is just Goten and Dabura. He pulls out his sword and Goten Goes SSJ. The battle begins. Dabura is way stronger than Goten but Dabura is going easy on him. Goten gets a couple hits off and so does Dabura. Gohan is leaving the restaurant and notices Goten out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey Goten"


"Whats going on?"

Gohan then sees Dabura fighting and Gohan remembers his face. He goes SSJ2 and jumps at Dabura, catching him off guard. Now Dabura starts trying. It is a fierce battle between Gohan and Dabura. Goten is standing in the background and Dabura notices him. So, Dabura turns him into stone, and that gets Gohan distracted. Then Dabura turns him into stone and the battle ends.

Dabura then goes to Mira and Towas base, and he has a plan. He is going to turn them into stone and destroy the stone, killing them.

When he got to the front, he was greeted by Towa.

"Hello Dabu-"

Towa got turned to stone

"One down one to go" Dabura said

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