•The Beginning•

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Everything is different now, not having a plan. Not having that schedule.

Wake up, get dressed, maybe eat breakfast, don't talk to anyone until at least noon. So much more packed into a day, twenty four hours and so much we didn't even notice.

How traffic seemed to have more yellow cars than normal. How the road looked more oily than usual. The grass is getting to long on your neighbors yard, and now is moving over onto yours.

When your music switches over and you didn't even remember you were listening to it. So you go back and do it all over again.

Yeah, just small stuff.

I'm not saying everyone misses these little details, but someone that looks for them, knows what we're looking for.

Not just focusing on us, but the world around us.

The little girl in the stroller being pushed by her mom on the phone, not paying attention, just ran out of animal crackers to eat because she's been throwing them on the ground for the past five minutes.

The chilled breeze flowing through the autumn air this time of the year, brings in the most beautiful leaves. To even just look up and see the trees you've seen damn near all your life, still amaze me.

Sitting in the same gazebo me and my mom used to sit in when I was younger. Watching my dad play with my younger sister, I used to smile so big. I used to smile.

Being young and careless was my thing, running without worrying about what I was gonna run into. A table is in my way? Let me just crawl right under it instead of going around.

Because honestly, where's the fun in taking the easy way?

I put my hand on the stone bench beneath me, and take a deep breath in. The cold air fills my lungs and I exhale, just in time to open my eyes and see a very handsome man standing in front of me.

"Hello, can I help you? Or do you just like scaring women?" He chuckled, it being so deep that it tumbled in your stomach and chest if he were to touch you. I wonder what his laugh sounds like if that's what a simple chuckle does to you.

"No, I'm sorry I really should've said something to you. I was wondering if I could have a seat next to you." He smiled down at me and gestures to the empty spot. God he was so much taller then me, and that's just from me sitting down.

I look down, well I was sitting in the center.

"I'll uh, I'll just get up. I was leaving anyways." I start to gather my camera bag.

He smiles at me once again and says there's no need.

"I was just trying to talk to someone. Been jogging around this damn park for about an hour now. People aren't very friendly now a days, huh?" He grins and I give him my best.

"Yeah, you're kinda in the rough side of town. Just a couple blocks up is the projects. Again, not the nicest place of all."

He sits at the edge of the bench, guessing so I'm not so uncomfortable.

"I know, I live there." He chuckles again and my eyes go wide.

"Oh shit- I'm so sorry. I uh, well you don't look like you live from there."

He truly didn't. Giant was wearing grey sweets and a black skin tight jacket. My guess is this dudes into fitness. Gross.

But it was nice looking at his muscles bulge. And those grey sweats weren't forgiving to the sinners of this city.

"Not it's alright, really. I know what it's like there, the people aren't so bad you know. Besides all the ones offering you drugs daily because they seem to forget that you said no all the other days they've asked. Oh and also the crazy ones, saying how I shouldn't be working at McDonalds." He gestured for me to come closer.

I was hesitant, but I leaned in closer.

"I've never worked at a McDonalds a day in my life."

I give him a half ass smirk and scoot back. "Damn, heard they're not that bad."

Giant sort of laughs and shakes his head.

"Yeah, they make damn good food. I'm Greyson Daniels, by the way." He sticks his hand out for me to shake and I neglectfully took it.

"We have to do names, we're that close already?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he just smiles.

"Yeah, it's either you tell me or we play twenty six questions."

Twenty six? "I think you mean twenty one, Greyson."

"No, I meant what I said, sweetheart. I'll ask you what the first letter of your name is, going down the list. All twenty six letters. And I'm sure you don't want to sit here with a stranger, and have him ask you all these questions, now do you?"

Sweetheart. Is this dude for real? But he's right, even if I wanted to I'd go to a bar.

"In all honesty, yeah you're right. I'll tell you, but you can't go adding me on Facebook or some shit, and stalk me." I gave him my best serious face. With the eyebrow raise and everything.

He held up his hands, "I won't go adding you on Facebook. Or the stalking part. Now go on, what's the name sweetheart?" It's gonna sound weird, and like I'm writing a fucking book, but his green eyes are so beautiful. It really does feel like they're looking right into my soul. If I had one.

"It's CallieAnn Ambrosia. Don't ask if I'm related to any famous people, the answer is no." I give him a side smile.

Greyson nods, and smiles at me again. He has perfect straight teeth, and dimples. Fucking dimples!

I start to get up and get my bag again, "Well it was nice meeting you, Greyson. I hope we bump into each other again." Did I actually mean that though?

He reaches out for my hand and shakes it without me having to shake back.

"It was my pleasure, sweetheart. And you better count on us 'bumping' into each other again." I didn't like the way he said bumping.

I side smile again, and head towards my apartment.

I think that's the most I've smiled in years.

Hi everyone! So, this book. Mannnnnnn y'all are in for it. I'm gonna play with y'all emotions and everythinggggg.

So at the beginning of the chapter she's talking about how she just got out of two years of college, not High School.

Thanks for reading! 💖

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