Chapter Five

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It was currently midnight, and we weren't tired.

No matter how many times I replay the moment of the kiss, I still couldn't believe that it was real. Greyson had been so gentle with me, and caring really.

It fascinates me still that I hadn't had a kiss like that before. Not even my first.

"Yeah no I totally agree, I think schools should teach more valuable skills to their students. I came out of high school, and I stood there with my diploma in my hand, and just kinda looked around. I thought to myself, 'why the fuck don't I know how to adult yet?!"

We laughed for what seemed like hours on so many different topics. None of them being what happened on the top of the farris wheel. Which I was fine with.

"Right? I watched as everyone hugged their families, and was congratulated for their success, but imagine how much different it is now for us, then it was for our parents. Like, when they were kids they were taught the basics really. Then we get all the hard stuff, and it hardly seems fare. Who puts letters in the same problems as numbers anyways.."

I rolled my eyes and Greyson laughed some more.

When we first got here, we set the bed up how we were going to be sleeping in it. But neither of us got into bed. Instead I went outside to the back balcony, and sat with a drink from the mini fridge. Looking around at the stars and seeing just how beautiful the sky looked. Even with the city light pollution.

I would be picking up that tab I told him. He just shock his head, smiled, and then proceeded to follow me with his own drink.

"Dr. Pepper? That shits gonna kill you one of these days, Greyson." I smirked at him and he smiled back.

"Oh really, Dr. Pepper is going to kill me? How about what you're drinking, huh? Mt. Dew with a shot of tequila? You know, alcohol rots your liver sweetheart."

I threw the small throw pillow on the chair I sat in at him and he gracefully got hit in the face with it.

We both decided to open up about ourselves in more ways than I was more comfortable doing. But it was worth it.

We made a deal by one person going first by saying a random fact, then the next. I was of course first.

When we got past the favorites like food, color, movie, all that shit. We got into some more embarrassing stories.

"I once fell asleep in English class when we were studying the Holocaust, and I got water poured onto my head because the teacher thought I was being disrespectful". I put the air quotes on the last part.

"Oh that's gold," glad you got a big laugh out of that one. "Alright so when I was in training to be a professional trainer, I bent down to pick up a fifteen pound weight someone had just left lying on the ground, and somehow, ended up ripping my pants in front of three girls that had been watching me. Front of the crouch, to the back..."

When I tell you I laughed, I fucking laughed. I had a single tear running out of the corner of my eye it was that funny.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. They had been following me around like lost puppies. I think I did them an even bigger favor when that happened in my opinion. My trainer didn't exactly see eye to eye with me although." Greyson's face flourished with a bright beautiful smile once again.

"Wow. We've had some pretty messed up stuff happen to us huh." If only he knew the worst of it.

"Don't think you're off the hook yet little miss. It's your turn." He pointed at me. By now I've had a couple drinks in me and was feeling more confident.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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