Chapter Three

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"So about tonight, I was-" he shut me up by stuffing hash brown into my mouth.

Shove something else in there to if you'd like.

No what the hell?! Don't do that!

"You're not allowed to know any details. But I can tell you one thing." He motioned for me to come closer.

What's up with this dude and hand signals? But, I got closer and munched on my hash brown.

"I'm not a killer, so you don't gotta worry about that sweetheart." Greyson laughed at my face.

My shocked face wasn't that funny, was it?

"Hey asshole, I didn't think you were going to," Yes you totally did. "And even if you wanted to, I don't think you could."

He glared at me. Oh fuck a duck.

"You don't think I could, huh sweetheart? You don't think, that for a second, me being 6'5 has any advantage over you. A shorty?"

How fucking dare he.

"Hey man! I'm not that short, 5'4 happens to be the average height in America, thank you very much." I poked at his chest at every word. I hope it hurt.

I'm not gonna complain about what I felt under my finger though, because gawd damn.

Greyson did the unexpected next, he fuckin picked me up, and slung me over his shoulder!

"Greyson whatever the fuck your middle name is Daniels, put me down!" His laughter filled my apartment, and it bounced off the walls beautifully.

"It's Erin. But put you down you say? Alright." I'm being thrown in the air.

Did I mention I hate heights, so I've had my eyes closed this entire time. But at least I landed on something soft.

My bed.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Why are we in my bedroom?" I sat up and against the head bored real fast. Greyson still laughing.

"It was the softest thing I could think of. Unless you wanted me to slam you in the shower." He raised his eyebrow at me.

Wouldn't mind you slamming into me in the shower but...


"'Nah I'm good. Sorry I objected. Well, here's my room. Not like you were gonna see it any other time." I stood up and went to my dresser, closing the open for some ungodly reason, underwear drawer.

"Oh, what was in that drawer sweetheart? Got toys in there?" He smirked at me and got closer to where I was standing. Right in front of my dresser, hiding my drawers.

"Don't even think about it Daniels. I just met you, you think I'm gonna let you rummage through my dresser just like that?"

Or anytime for that matter. Are we even sure we should still go out with this dude?

"How do I know you didn't secretly take photos of me and hide 'em in there? Come on sweetheart, let me have a peak." Greyson grabbed me by my hips, and somehow defied gravity because he moved me with no problems.

"Don't be stupid. Why would I ever have photos of YOU? When I could have so many more, of more attractive people?" Greyson turns around to face me, and fakes being hurt.

"I'm wounded, baby." Apparently I just suddenly became ticklish, or this man is an actual god.

In between dry heaves and slaps I try to scream.

"Greyson get off! I'm gonna pee!" I was laughing, and I had forgotten what my laugh sounded like...

"I don't think I've heard you laugh yet. Or even so much as a giggle. So there is much more to you then you put on huh, sweetheart?"

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