Chapter Four

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Once all three of the movies were over, we finally decided to leave my apartment.

Greyson had his hands in his pockets leaning on my apartment building when we exited, "Well sweetheart, I guess were starting this night early. What do you say?" His smirk could kill any virgin I swear.

I looked over at him and then back to the view of the open road, and I shrug.

"Yeah I guess. But you have to at least hint at what we're doing. Please." I gave him my most innocent look. Like a true angle.

"Okay, fine. You've been a good girl, I'll give you a hint." He winked and handed me a flyer.

Missouri State Fair.

Yeah normally fairs happen during the summer right? Our state really felt like being different, so we have it in the early autumn.

"This is the cheesiest date idea I've ever heard of. You know that right?" Greyson nodded and smirks.

"I'm just showing you a good time, sweetheart. You seemed like you needed it yesterday, but I hope today works. Plus, who said this was a date?"

I narrow my eyes at him and he chuckles, again. God damn this boy.

"Alright, I'll bite. If it's not, then you wouldn't mind if my boyfriend came along, right?" Greyson's eyes go wide and his face drops.

He suddenly straightens, and starts to walk the way of his car I'm guessing, "Yeah, that's cool..." I could tell by his voice he was very upset.

I start to giggle and he whips around to stare at me. I didn't think that was gonna be that funny, but it was.

"You little brat. You don't have a boyfriend do you? I'll get you back for that, just you wait." He nodded, and mentally noted what I had done, and started awaking away from me again.

"Oh come on Greyson. That was good, you can't really be mad." I stopped dead in my tracks and crossed my arms over my body.

He just kept walking. This asshole.

"Hey, Greyson, wait up." I jog to keep up with his long ass legs. I touch his shoulder and he whips around again to look straight down at me. I hadn't noticed how sharp his God damn jaw was until now. And his lips...looked so soft.

And kissable.

He stood there, looking in my eyes. Switching back from my eyes to my lips. He's so beautiful.

Do it, kiss me.

"That was some joke you pulled, sweetheart. But I don't like playing around." He swiftly grabbed me by my waist and hosted my over his shoulder.

"What the hell! Let me down right now!" He was laughing again, thank goodness.

"I thought you were actually mad at me, Greyson. That wasn't cool." I pout as though I'm a little girl again.

Bro, his ass though...I don't mind being here.

"I told you I'd get you back, sweetheart. Now get off me." He gently set me back onto the ground. And stood there, looking down at me again.

"Are...uh are we gonna go? We've got a good two hour ride ahead of us if we wanna make it there at a decent time."

Greyson smiled then grabbed my hand, and started to run.

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