Chapter Six

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As Loki peeled open his heavy eyelids, the first thing he was aware of was a terrible throbbing headache and sickness. Quite a lot of sickness in fact.

By Odin's beard, his stomach was turning somersaults and the headache was monstrous. Not even being smashed into the floor of Stark's tower by the mindless green beast had caused his head to throb so painfully.

Trying to gather his scattered thoughts, he sat up slowly, gingerly rubbing his temples with his fingertips. His bleary eyes took-in his surroundings. He didn't trust his memory. There was large blank spaces, and the headache and nausea was slowing him down considerably. Even thinking seemed to hurt.

How in the name of Frigga had he ended up in this state? He cast his mind back, and after a few moments his coherency began to return.

Of course.....Natasha-fucking-Romanoff.

She had done this to him.

With concentrated effort, he somehow managed to lever himself up from the bed and stand without heaving. He was a little unsteady, his long legs wobbling like jello and his feet felt like two breeze blocks.
He realised he was still shirtless, and worryingly, very much alone. His assailant was nowhere to be seen.


His need for revenge prompted him into action. Hurriedly he retrieved his shirt and slipped it on as he made for the door in a slightly haphazard, lurching motion. The lingering affects of the drugs were not unlike being drunk, so it took all of his focus to walk in a straight line, as though he wasn't accustomed to having legs yet.

Outside the sun was blinding but a cool breeze was rolling in from the sea, so thankfully it wasn't unbearably hot.

Shielding his eyes with a hand, Loki turned this way and that. The resort was unusually quiet, he noted, but more importantly, there was no sign of Natasha.

Muttering a string of expletives under his breath, he began making his way along the sandy pathway without any particular plan or destination in mind. He had no idea where she'd gone but he had to begin looking for her somewhere.
By the nines, he would tear the whole damn place apart with his own bare hands if he had to, but find her he would.

Just then a voice called out to him, though in his confused state it took a moment to register that the speaker was addressing him.

"Sir! Excuse me, sir!"

Loki spun around unsteadily on his heel, only to find himself almost face to face with the irksome cabana boy yet again.

Had it been the previous day when he'd bribed him? He had no way of knowing and couldn't be certain. Heaven only knew how long he'd been unconscious for.

"Well?" Loki snapped impatiently.

The boy looked flustered. He was visibly nervous, and with good reason. Loki's wild eyes were fierce and frightening, and he practically radiated anger.

"Sir, the lady from the bungalow...."

Loki took a step towards him, his dark brows forging into a deep scowl. "Yes? What about her?"

"She asked me to tell you that she's in the fitness suite."

Loki's frown deepened further still. "Fitness suite?"

The boy nodded, indicating in the direction of the grand hotel. "Yes sir. It's on the fifth floor in the main complex."

"And she specifically asked you to tell me this?"

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