chapter 1

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the sound that's so quiet yet so loud.
This is what haunts Germany after the breakup
It isn't fun and lively anymore.
He sits in silence all day.
Lost in his thoughts.
Not as happy thoughts.

Sudden ringing interrupts Germany's trance. Without looking who is it he picks up. „Hallo?"
„Hallo Deutschland! How are things with Poland?"
His brother, Austria. „We broke up" Germany bluntly responds.
„Oh Ich sorry to hear that"
It's okay, you didn't know bruder"
You seem upset though"
„No it's alright"
„I have idea! Tomorrow I'll call some of your friends and we can all hang out"
Germany chuckles and smiles. „Okay whatever you say buddy auf wiedersehen"
Auf wiedersehen"
The call ends and Germany smiles to himself. Maybe tomorrow he can clear his mind. His stomach suddenly grumbles. He stands up from his bed and makes his way downstairs into the kitchen. He opens the fridge. He sighs, „I need to go buy groceries" he mutters to himself and goes back into his room.

He grabs some boxers, pants, T-shirt and socks. He grabs the clothing and goes into the bathroom and puts it on cabinet. He starts undressing himself from his pajamas that he was wearing at least 3 days now. He really was mess after the breakup. He goes into the shower cleaning himself in cold water. He stays in the shower closing his eyes enjoying the cold water running down his aching body. He sighs and stops the water and gets out. He dries himself with towel and starts dressing himself in the clothes he picked out. He brushes his teeth and goes out. He grabs some jacket because it was still cold outside, it being early spring. He puts on his nike shoes. He grabs his phone, earphones and keys. He goes out and locks the door behind him.

He quietly hums to himself while walking to the grocery shop, enjoying the light breeze. He wasn't in his work for few days now but he'll starts working again. Maybe he could go to bar tonight? No he is too tired for that, he didn't sleep well those last days. Germany makes his way into the grocery store. Once he's there he buys some thing that he needs and pays for them. When he goes out he grabs his earphones and starts to listen to some calm music. He slowly makes his way to his home when suddenly he hears explosion. His head perks up and runs to one of the bridges. He sees lot of smoke coming out of one of the buildings. Damn another attack. He can hear the sirens already blasting through the the city of the police cars and ambulances. He slowly walks away going home. Once he's there he unlocks the door and closes them behind himself with his foot. He goes to kitchen and puts the bags on the cabinets. He starts putting the things in their right places and after he's done he makes himself some soup and starts eating it.

Few hours passed and he got call from Switzerland that his house burnt down. He quickly gets in red Audi S1 and drives towards Switzerlands location surprised that police still didn't stop him for his speed limit. Once he gets out he sees Switzerland crying being comforted by Austria and few policemen there. He runs to Switzerland and hugs him. „Are you okay!? Are you hurt!?" He worriedly asks. „J-Ja I'm okay but where am I gonna live now?" He cries out. Germany stays quiet for a while thinking until Austria interrupts his thinking. „You can stay with me. After all Germs here has already problem taking care of himself." Austria jokes. Germany sigh, accepting what Austria said. He smiles „You can stay with Austria, I can find you some new home and we will help you get the money for it, okay?" Germany softly says. Switzerland nods sniffing but smiling afterwards, „Okay!" They smile at each other but black and red Marussia B2 interrupts their moment. Germany looks over to see nice looking sport car. A tall buff man comes out with brown ushanka, adidas jacket with fur and simple jeans. He has black adidas shoes. Germany stares at him until the man looks back at him. The time freezes once they make eye contact, cold menacing eyes looking back at him but yet so warm and gentle. The icy shade of blue, what a nice color, he could get easily lost in those eyes. For this man could any girl easily fall in love with- wait no, any person, this man could make any male gay for him. Suddenly the man smirks and winks at Germany. Red hue covers Germany's face and he looks away out of embarrassment. „Mr. Moscow there was nearby attack on-" The man cuts him off „Да я знаю. It was 3 men, I know where they're hiding. I can track them down and lock em up." His thick russian accent showing, Germany loves it, it makes the man even hotter. Austria and Switzerland starts talking about random topics but Germany can't help but stare at the man. Austria nudges him with elbow and smirks. Germany blushes slightly. „Shut up" He says. „I'm not saying anything though" Austria retorts back. The policeman looks at them, „You three can go" he says.

Germany nods and gets in his red audi S1. Austria and Switzerland sits in the backseats. Germany starts driving towards Austria's house while talking and sharing some jokes. Once they're there Germany stops in the driveway. Austria gets out with Switzerland. Austria unlock the front door and they both wave to Germany. Germany waves back and the two younger boys gets inside the house. Germany smiles and starts driving home. Once he's there he parks in his driveway and gets out. He unlocks the door and gets inside. He makes some noodles and goes into his room. He opens his laptop and turns on the laptop while eating the noodles. Once the laptop is on Germany goes onto google. „Mr. Moscow" Germany mutter to himself while searching him. He opens one blog to look if it's the right one. „Bingo" He smirks to himself narrowing his eyes at the photos. „Russia Moscow, age 25, russian" Germany reads out loud. He hums to himself finishing eating the noodles. „I hope I can see you again.." Germany pauses, „..Russia" Germany closes his laptop and stands up. He grabs the empty box from the noodles and throws it into trashcan. He grabs some new pajamas and goes into bathroom. He undresses himself and gets into the shower, washing himself and washing his hair. After he's done he puts the pajamas on. He brushes his teeth and grab the dirty clothes and puts them into washing machine. He starts the washing machine and goes into his room. He turns off the lights and lays in his bed. He stares at the ceiling until his eyelids feels heavy and slowly falls into peaceful sleep.

Hallo - hello
Deutschland - Germany
Ich - I/I'm/me
bruder - brother
auf wiedersehen - goodbye
Ja - yes
Да я знаю - Yes, I know

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