chapter 3

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warning blood mentioning in this chapter

He's somewhere.
He doesn't know where but he's somewhere.
It's quiet.
Awfully quiet.
He's sitting in a darkness.
Suddenly he hears voices.
It sounds like..
He quickly stands up and runs to the noise.
But Poland is with France... laughing.
He starts to feel sadness.
Suddenly France disappears and Poland looks at Germany.
But his eyes weren't lime green how he had but icy blue.
Poland suddenly turns to Russia, standing there, reaching hand for Germany.
He reaches out to grab Russia's hand and...
Germany slowly wakes up at the loud sound of his alarm.

6:00 am
Germany groans and stands up. He goes to his closet and grabs his neatly folded dress pants and shirt. He grabs some boxers and some socks. He goes to bathroom and puts it on counter. He turns on the shower and hops in to wash himself. Once he's done he puts the clothes on and brushes his teeth. He puts on his glasses and goes to his room to grab his tie. He checks the time.
He makes his way to kitchen and makes some toasts. Once it's done he quickly eats it and puts the dish into dishwasher. He looks at the time again to make sure.
He sighs and goes to his room. He sets alarm on 7:30 so he won't be late and goes on his computer. He checks the news Local jewelry shop with bunch of golden and diamond jewelry was robbed. The police is trying to haunt down the mafia and stop the danger. Germany sighs. Slowly it's getting dangerous just to go on walk. This world was slowly rotting with crimes and with bunch of trash and smokes. His phone suddenly rings. Message from America, he unlocks his phone.
A: yo Germs, are you still interested in Russia?
G: Why?
A: I did some stalking and found his instagram ;)
G: America I'm not creep
A: well I'll leave it here for ya if you're interested, see ya
Germany looks at the link that America sent him. He stares at it for a while. He gulps and presses it. It opens his blog and Germany blushes. He quickly follows him and looks through his photos. 'Gosh what am I doing?' Germany thinks ashamed by his actions. He alarm suddenly starts ringing and he stops it and quickly closes the app. He turns off the computer and goes out into his garage. He sits in his red audi S1 and starts it. He drives off into his job listening to some songs.

He parks into his reserved spot and gets his key card. He gets out and lock the car. He walks in front of the building and puts the key card on the scanner. The doors unlocks once it recognizes the key card and he goes in. He goes in the elevator and goes on 8th floor. One he's there he goes over to his desk. „Hello Germany!" His coworker Czechia calls out. He smiles at him happy to see his friend and coworker again. „Where'd ya been after so long?" Germany smiles „Ah I was taking break for a while." Czechia smiles „'Aight then" Czechia returns back to his desk and starts working. Few of his coworkers who passed by greeted him and asked him where he was etc. Few hours passed by and it's almost lunch. Germany works quietly in comfortable silence. „Hey Germany!" Czechia calls and Germany hums, showing him that he's listening. „Can we have lunch together? Y'know like friends?" Czechia asks. Germany thinks for a while „Yeah sure, I'm pretty hungry and we didn't talk for a while. Czechia smiles and they go to some small restaurant nearby.

After the lunch and work Germany slowly walks out of the building. He goes over to his car. He decided to go to mall to buy few more dress pants and shirts. Once he's there he slowly walks trying to find the right shop. Suddenly something explodes near him and the impact throws him on the floor. He looks up to see bunch of men in suits and some of them with masks. 'Scheiße! The mafia!' Germany thinks panicked. One of the men points gun at him. Germany closes his eyes waiting for his death. He hears gunshot but.. he doesn't feel pain, he's alive. He opens his eyes again. The man who pointed gun at Germany laying on the ground lifelessly with pile of blood under him. He sees agent with black suit, black mask that covers his half of face and the ushanka...Russia! Germany's eyes widens. Russia attacks at the men punching them and shooting some of them. More agents and officers came running there catching the mafia members. One of the members quickly shoots at Germany. His eyes widens, time seemed like it slowed down as Russia quickly runs to Germany blocking the bullet with his arm. Russia hisses in pain at the impact, his arm bleeding. Russia quickly grabs Germany bridal style and runs out of the mall. Russia runs towards his black and red marussia B2. He puts Germany into passenger seat and then quickly hops in too. He puts the car on full speed and quickly drives off the mall exploding behind them. Germany slowly realizes what is happening and looks at Russia shocked and confused. „I- why'd you saved me?" Russia glances at him and then quickly focused on road. „It's my job to save people like you. I couldn't just let him shoot you and stand there" Russia says. Germany stays quiet for a while. „Thank you" Germany softly smiles to himself. „Of course, hey, are you hurt?" Russia asks concerned. „Nein, I'm not, but your arm is bleeding." Germany says. „My house is few blocks from here you can drop me off there, if you want I can take care of that wound for you" Germany offers getting shy. Russia hums „Alright then, Благодаря вас" Germany nods not really understanding but guessing it meant something like thank you.

Russia parks his car in Germany's driveway and they both get out. Germany unlocks the door and they walk in. Germany quickly goes for the first aid kit and other healing things. Russia looks around of the living room liking how the house is decorated. Germany walks in the living room with the stuff. „Please sit down" Germany says and Russia does as said so. „I um, I need you to get your shirt off so I can look on the wound" Germany says feeling embarrassed and shy slightly blushing. Russia nods and undresses his shirt. Germany stares at his well toned chest blushing. He quickly looks away and grab some cloth and start cleaning the wound. Russia hisses slightly at the pain. „You know you're lucky that the bullet didn't get stuck in your arm." Germany comments while cleaning the wound. Russia nods. „Hey I never got your name" Russia suddenly asks. Germany stops his actions and looks at him. „Germany.. Germany Berlin" He responds grabbing some bandages. „Mines Russia Moscow" Germany only nods, not wanting to tell him he already knows. He wraps the bandages around the wound and then put the stuff away. „Alright done" Germany says while putting the stuff aside. Russia puts the shirt back on and looks around again. „You can go now if you want or want something to drink?" Germany asks. „Can I have some water please?" Germany nods and goes to kitchen. He grabs some cup and fills it with water and walks back. He gives it to Russia and Russia slowly sips from it. „You have very nicely decorated place Germany, it makes the house look pretty" Russia says. Germany smiles softly. „Ah danke" Russia only nods.

They talk for a while and once Russia is finished with his water he stands up. „I'll be on my way now" Germany nods and stand as well. They go to front door and Germany opens it, holding it open. „Well see you next time?" Russia awkwardly scratches his neck. Germany smiles „Sure, auf wiedersehen" Russia smiles back, „До свидания" He walks towards his car. Germany closes the door. Hoping he will see Russia again.

scheiße - shit
благодаря вас - thank you
danke - thank you
auf wiedersehen - goodbye
до свиданья - goodbye

It's 2 am, god help me

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