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"So- So what are you? What do you do?"

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"So- So what are you? What do you do?"

Taymor had stared at my walls and rooms like he had never been in a place so big.

"Do you really wanna know?"

He ducked his head my way and shook it, following behind me slowly.

"Im a hedonist, that's all you need to know. Don't worry about the small talk aight? Imma get you in and out of here as soon as possible, with all your money-- in cash."

He looked hesitant but listening. "Promise this isn't human trafficking or anything? and I won't go missing? Not that nobody cares--

"Stop talking like that," I stopped so he stopped. He looked up at my face and his lips fell straight. I seen him rub his elbow and sighed.

"I dont like that self depreciating shit, especially if you end up dead and i fell like i aint do enough about it."

"My bad."

"Mhm." I started walking again, taking him down to one of my farther rooms. He walked slow and i don't know if it was partially because he was scared or the bags under his eyes telling me he was tired.

"You have any kinks?" I was suprised when he asked me.

"You can tie me up to an extent i guess but i refuse to like pee on you or anything like that.. sorry."

I chuckled, hearing the nervousness in his voice. I reached back and grabbed his hand, making him look down as they touched.

"Nah, no kinks."

"not one?"

I like virgins."

"I see." He said with cognizance. Then started touching his arm again.

"You're like 20 right?"

"19." He corrected, tapping his foot as i reached for the door knob. I nodded and let him in before me. His head immediately went up to look at the red led's before it dropped down to look around the rest of the room.

"20 next year.. if i make it."

I gave him a straight forward look and he grins before his words break it.
"So what do you--

"Listen, I like it quiet."

Taymor nodded, and tucked his lips tight.
"Not a problem..."

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