The Beginning

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Piper Lice and her good friend Bonnie Aids are struggling actresses who are broke. They can't find jobs cause they're on the dumber side and have a criminal record. They're pretty though. Piper has a flat ass. Then they realize there's an easier way to make some kash. The sugar baby way.

Piper and Bonnie were on they're way to starbucks, "oh....mY.GOD we got an audition for soap commercial!" Piper said happily. Bonnie LEGIT jump out of her romper to expose her nude candy and yells 'IM READY' she sings being spongebob fan she is and she puts back on romper. Piper looks confused at her friends psychotic outburst. "What the hell Bonnie keep your clothes on" Bonnie looked down sadly "sorry" she muttered as they got dragged and kicked out of the 7th starbucks this week.

They headed back to their to their VSCO dumpster house. Once they got there, they searched for a cute outfit that screamed soap. Bonnie offered to just go naked with soap suds on their body. Bonnie was a bit of a perverted nutcase. Finally when they found a fully clothed outfit. Piper wears nike pros and a tight Gucci tube top to make her flat ass a little less flat. Bonnie wears a ragged old wedding dress with foam meth filled bubbles. Both ready for the runway. They walked to the audition praying for the best. Satan keep them safe.

Get ready

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