The way life floats

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    Piper was in first grade when she met her first best friend Chica.
Chica and Piper were really close,doing every thing together even having the same hopes and dreams,both wanting to be strippers,but Chica was quickly taken away from Piper when Chica had to move. It almost broke Piper. I say almost because Piper was in first grade and couldn't really compared and grasp being hurt and feeling sad. When Piper grew up though she understood that losing a friend is the worst pain ever.

     Bonnies POV
I cant believe i'm going back to college after dropping out 4 times I thought. I walked through the doors, I had to live in the  dorms because I wasn't financially stable on my own. I made it to the front desk ,asked the lady where the dorms where and she pointed to the left. I grabbed my stuff  and started walking over,that's till a nice man offered to help. I let him help me I figured out his name was Orlin. I asked for his number because why not? I have a baby on the way and soon to be college loans to pay off i need a sugar baby. That reminds me of Piper.....I've tried not to think about her I always end up crying.

what the hell even is this story?
226 words btw nerds

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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