Mr. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

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"Hey Takiya"

A woman with long blackish-brown hair turns around to look at a man with glasses and Redish-orange hair ties back into a ponytail. She replies with, "Yeah Kobayashi what's up"

"Do you want to come over tonight for drinking and stuff. Tohru is inviting some of her friends over as well."

"I don't see why not. Is there anything I should bring or pick up on our way there."

"No Tohru went to go get the stuff we needed this morning, all you need to do is bring yourself."

"Okay then, do you still have that game I borrowed you."

"Yeah, why?"

"Just making sure you didn't lose it your, not a very tidy person," Takiya said with a face that looks like are you kidding me it wouldn't be the first time that you lost one.

"Ahahah, we should probably get going," Koyabashi said while rubbing the back of his head while his face looked like he was caught taking a cookie from the cookie jar and was just trying to laugh it off. The two got up from their work desks and packed up their stuff for the day.

"So do you know how many friends shes inviting over or who they are?" She says with a smirk while they turn to leave the building and start to head towards the train station.

"I didn't ask," Kobayashi said with a smile that did little to hide the underlining worry. While we entered the train and found are sets before it started to move.

"Well, at least the night should be interesting at least." Takiya has already come to excepted her fated for some reason Tohru thinks she's going to take Koyabashi from her. Yay, hostility Takiya thinks to her self. "So have you asked Tohru out yet or is she still just your maid with a heart quenching dream of one day to be yours," she says with a whimsical yet serious voice.

"Um no she's a dragon." he all but whisper yells.

"Well from what I have noticed so far is that she makes you happy, you smile more and she seems to care a lot from what you have said about her and from what I have noticed so far, so you might want to think about it a little bit more just because she is a dragon does not mean there is nothing there. How about you do this for me what would you do if she wasn't a dragon and think about how you do feel, for if you don't it might just be too late when you discover how much she really means to you." Takiya says with a matter of fact voice and a serious face, " what would you do if someone tried to take her away, you don't have to answer now but do think about it."

Koyabashi opens his mouth as if to speak but then closes it not knowing what to say to that and is quietly thinking about it for the rest of the ride tell their stop. They both get up and leave the train walking in thoughtful silence all the way to Kayabashi's new apartment.

Once we get to his apartment I'm met with that all so loving hostility radiating off of Tohru, "Hey Tohru, and you mast be Kanna, Kobayashi has been talking me all about you, I love the hole tribal goth thing." I say with a smile to Tohru and the cute little girl who has light purple hair that darkens to a dark purple done into to low pig tales with three beads holding them together. Tohru in all her merduring intent glory is wearing the same maid uniform she always wears with her horns and tale showing.
Her hair is down like always it's a beautiful yellow-gold that goes to red, "Hey Takiya," she says in voice of pure hostility. I just smile and continue into the apartment with Kayabashi I'm only here to by her support as she meets more of Tohru's friends and to have a drink. The door rings, "I'll get it," Tohru says as she runs to the door to open it as she does you can see a tall figure of some sort of monster I guess is the best way to describe it, it has purple skin, horns, and razor sharp teeth. She instantly closes the door, "one minute" and opens the door just a crack it whisper to it will me and Kayabshi just sit there shocked and wondering what we got are selfs into, " Fafnir I told you to arrange your self like the picture I sent you"
The thing apparently named Fafnir says in a warped voice, " seriously" with a sigh. Then there's a big poof of smock happens behind the door and Tohru opens it up to now reveals a young butler dude with red ruby eyes hidden behind glasses with a bark blackish-purple hair tied back into a ponytail with his bangs hiding one of his eyes, "This world is so stubble some I might as well destroy it," he says with a bit of hostility.
Kobayashi jumps back a little bit and then pulls out a business card and goes up to introduce he self to him. I just smile and turn to Kanna, "you see Kanna, Kobayashi is using a magical set of words that even let the shyest of people make an introduction called a social greeting." I say to her because of her questioning look while I'm explaining that my smile slowly turns it to a smirk.
The door rings for the second time that night and Tohru goes to open it as Kobayashi say, "Tohru how many more friends did you invite."
Tohru answers, " this should be the last of them" she then opens the door and say "hey Lucia"
The women Lucia has long curly golden blond, a tang top that puts her big chest on display and short shorts, she say, "Hey" and I decided that I would rather go play games then see what happens next. So I go to the living room and turn on the gaming system and put it the game Kobayashi borrowed from me witch is a fun game with dungeons it in.I grab the controller and start playing as I do so the others start to settle down with Kanna watching me play from the sofa next to me and Fafnir hovering over my shoulder. I don't mind at all since that will keep the people Kobayashi has to deal with to one new person and not the hostile one it should be fine my used to dealing with hostile people. As I'm playing the game Fafnir slowly gets closer an closer to the tv I'm playing the game on to the point that you can only see his head.
So I decided to ask him, " do you want to give it a try" which instantly turns into him playing the game and me explain how to play while I drink my beer. That's how the night continues until Kobayashi and I get drunk and start having a drunk conversation about butlers while hitting Fafnir on the shoulder who is still playing a game and saying stop every time we hit. Then Kobayashi starts saying that Lucia and Tohru want to be maids which leads to  Kobayashi tearing of Tohrus clothes while saying she isn't a real maid that its cosplay while I cover mine and Fafnir's eyes to persevere Tohru dignity.

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