Dear Harry Potter

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Dear Harry,

The teenage boy with round glasses and the lightning scar, who was made to grow up and take responsibilities before his time, owing to circumstances...

You showed me courage and bravery and the will to sacrifice and... Nah! That's not the same old tale again. I'm an adult and a late Potterhead.

What did you give us, Harry?

You taught us a love so deep that it can break spells. A love so deep that it can cause fights and resolve them. Love so deep that it stays unrequited most of the time.

You showed a love that's twisted and warped, but still it's love. You taught us the falsities and the deceit of love and yet...

You gave us little precious moments of that budding teenage emotion, that blush of feelings, the first rays of budding love that leaves you dizzy and a bit confused and yet you pursue it.

Harry, you showed us how friendship transcends love and how you can share intimate moments without necessarily being with each other.

You showed how friendship can't exist without love and how all the emotions are entwined into each other.

Thank you for teaching us more than what you were supposed to.

~ From a late teenager Potterhead

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