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please don't use this story to advertise your own in my comment sections... it's rude to me (and any other authors) to, not only not read the story at all, but to not read the story and use the popularity of the story to gain reads on your own books. if i see any of these comments in my comment sections, it will be deleted and if you happen to see any, please let that person know about this rule of mine (politely, please). if you have any objections to this, you may leave.
thank you.


Help meh... I am a bad writer and I need inspiration, so help meh plz... thanks! :)

(Picture is of my smiley puppy! She is a Great Pyrenees and her name is Wisp. I live on a farm. I have around 30 birds (chickens, ducks, and guinea fowls) and 2 cats (Marbles and Ying Yang) Just a little bit about myself!)

Future Me. Hello.

Half my birds are now I'm my fridge, whoops. 3 cats now... Tabby came up one day and never left so... Wisp is still alive and well so cool. Yeah, my life isn't very interesting. No need to thank me for this super intriguing update on my boring ass life. Gonna go cry now.

I'm back again, did ya miss me? No? Ok. Neither did my dad when he left for the mil-

This is simply a ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ to anybody who is making the great choice of reading this fanfic. I wrote this when I was much, MUCH, younger than I am now. Please keep in mind that I was tiny, stupid, and terrible (and I mean TERRIBLE) at grammar, spelling, writing the actual fucking plot, and other stuff you might find in this... questionable... fanfiction. Okay, thank you bye.

(this warning does not mean you can't laugh or question any of the shit in this... by all means, make fun of it if you find something stupid or something that is simply not possible. i laugh at sarcastic comments like that. just don't be too mean, capeesh?)

SkepHalo {bxb} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now