~Moving in~

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*Sapphire walks in the airport and runs up to Trent*
Trent:Hey baby I've missed you.
Sapphire: I've missed you so much.
Trent:Like how has it been 6 months?
Sapphire:I know right it feel like yesterday we won Love Island.
Trent:Yeah totally and do you want me to carry some of your bags?
Sapphire:Yes please.
*Sapphire give him some bags and they walk to the car and Trent starts driving*
Trent: Your welcome also I still can't believe to quit The Next Step just to come back to England and live with me.
Sapphire:It was hard saying goodbye but I've applied for a job to be a Disney actress.
Trent:I wasn't excepting you to pick that job.
Sapphire:Well it's better than sitting at home all day.
Trent:Yeah I agree and Liverpool got into the Champions League semi final so will you come and see it?
Sapphire: Of course I will!
*They get out of the car as they're at their house*
Sapphire:Wow it looks amazing!
Trent:I knew you'd love it!
*They walk into the house*
Sapphire:Why is their a dog bed?
Trent:Well you know your dog Snowy was staying at your parents house?
Trent:Snowy is living with us now.
Sapphire:No way! I didn't think you'd do that.
Trent:It was meant to be a surprise but you saw the bed so.
*Trent and Sapphire walk into the kitchen and Snowy is lying on the sofa*
Sapphire:Hello Snowy!
*Snowy runs up to Sapphire and barks*
Sapphire: You're a great boy aren't you.
*Snowy licks Sapphire's face*
Trent:Well Snowy has definitely missed you and I made you some dinner.
Sapphire:Thank you so much.
Trent:Your welcome.
*Sapphire finishes her dinner and her, Trent and Snowy sit on the sofa watching TV*
Sapphire:I love you.
Trent:I love you too.
*They kiss*

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