~Saph's album release party~

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~Sapphire's Outfit~

~At the party~*Sapphire is signing some albums and Trent is at their table drinking cola*Molly Mae:Hey Sapphire could you sign this please?Sapphire:Of course Molly!Molly Mae:Thank you so much!Sapphire:Your welcome*Sapphire walks to her and Trent's...

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~At the party~
*Sapphire is signing some albums and Trent is at their table drinking cola*
Molly Mae:Hey Sapphire could you sign this please?
Sapphire:Of course Molly!
Molly Mae:Thank you so much!
Sapphire:Your welcome
*Sapphire walks to her and Trent's table and sees some Liverpool players*
Mo:I still can't believe that you guys are getting married
Joe:Me either you guys are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute together!
*Sapphire sits inbetween Trent and Mo*
Trent:Thanks guys
Sapphire:Yeah thanks
*Jordan walks over to the table crying*
Sapphire:Jord what's wrong?
Jordan:Richelle lied to me it's not my baby it's Kingston's kid!
Trent, Joe, Mo & Sapphire:What!
Sapphire:Why would she cheat?
Jordan:I don't know but we're 100% getting divorced now
Trent:Jord maybe she didn't mean it she might regret it
Jordan:I don't give a s*** if she meant it or not we're over and that's that!
Mo:Ok dude keep your hair on
Joe:You don't need to take this out on us we're your friends and I bet Saph wouldn't want you crying like this
Sapphire:Yeah please stop it's making me feel sad
Jordan: I'll stop for you
*Sapphire smiles at Jordan and Jordan smiles back*
Jordan:Your welcome
*Sapphire takes off her heels as they are hurting her feet and she goes to get more coke but steps on glass*
*Then a guy walks up to her*
Cristiano:Hey are you ok?
Sapphire: I'm fine
Cristiano:Are you sure?
Cristiano: Ok then but could you sign this?
Cristiano:Thank you
*Sapphire limps back to the table*
Trent:Saph are you ok?
Sapphire:Just stepped on glass but I'm fine
*Sapphire pulls some glass out of her foot*
Trent:Your foot looks bad it's bleeding alot
Mo:I can go get some bandages if you want
Sapphire:Yes please
*Mo runs to get some bandages*
Jordan:Jeez that's bleeding alot
Joe:Yeah it is
Mo:Here you go
*Mo gives Trent some bandages and he puts them on Sapphire's foot*
Sapphire:Thanks guys
Mo:Your welcome
Trent:Your welcome princess
*Jordan switches on his phone*
Trent:Dude what's up?
Jordan: It's on the news about Richelle cheating on me and then about s*** I said on Love Island
Sapphire:Oh what did you say?
Jordan:I made a joke saying Richelle would have cheated on me and now people are saying Richelle did it because of that
Trent: Richelle wasn't the one for you so don't believe them
Jordan:I wasn't gonna believe them anyways because Richelle said she was using me for my money nothing more
Sapphire:That little b****!
Jordan:Saph don't worry I'll find the one someday plus I have my eyes on someone
Sapphire:Skye as in my sister Skye?
Jordan:Yeah she's really pretty
Sapphire:Awe you guys would be cute
~A few mins later~
Trent: We're the only people here now we should go to bed
*Sapphire starts limping as she starts walking but Trent picks her up and carries her to their room*
Sapphire:Thanks you're too sweet!
Trent: I'd do anything for you Saph
Sapphire:You can put me down now
*Trent puts her down and Sapphire starts smiling and so does Trent*
Trent:Your smile is so cute
Sapphire:Thanks cutie
Trent: Your welcome princess

I hope you enjoyed!!!
Who else feels sorry for Jordan?
Just me? Ok then
Please comment your opinions!!!!!

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