~I love you, more than anything 💕💞💖~

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~Trent & Sapphire were having a picnic~
Sapphire:My ex would never have made a picnic for me
Sapphire:Well he used to beat me up when I didn't do what he asked and I was basically his slave I used to cook him dinner and wash his clothes I did everything for him
Trent:Oh now I understand
Sapphire:After that my dad told me to never trust footballers again as my ex was one
Trent:But you trust me right?
Sapphire:Of course and I used to always go to his matches and cheer him on but 1 day he told me to not go to his game but I did anyways and then I saw him with another girl then it hit me he was cheating on me
Trent:Oh Saph I shouldn't have asked
Sapphire: It's ok then I ran down to him and ended it right there and then
Trent:Who is this dude?
Sapphire:Jadon Sancho
Trent:As in my England team mate?
Trent:But you will still come to the World Cup with me won't you?
Sapphire:Yes of course I'd do anything for you
Trent:Oh thank god!
Sapphire:I love you
Trent:I love you Saph more than anything
Sapphire:Even Liverpool?
Trent: Liverpool is 2nd on the list
*Sapphire laughs*
Sapphire: I'm guessing I'm 1st then
Trent:Yes 100%
*Trent laughs*

I hope you enjoyed!!!!
Please comment your opinions/ideas or you can message me!
Also lots of drama is coming your way very soon...

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