~Hanging out~

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*Someone knocks on the door*
Sapphire: I'll get it!
*Sapphire opens the door and sees Marcus & Jesse in front of her*
Sapphire:Hey guys!
Marcus:Hey Saph
Jesse:Hey sis!
Sapphire:Come in
*Sapphire moves to let them in*
Trent:Oh hey guys!
Marcus:Next week Liverpool Vs Man United
Jesse:Saph who's gonna win?
Sapphire:Liverpool duh!
Jesse:Oh we'll see then sis
Marcus: That's only because your bf plays for Liverpool
Sapphire:No it isn't I've loved Liverpool since I was a kid!
Jesse: That's true
Trent:You guys should transfer to Liverpool so you can actually be champions
Jesse: You'd have to kill me to do that
Trent:Wow Jesse wow
Jesse:Also if you ever hurt my sister again  you'll be a dead man
Trent:Ok I'll remember that
Marcus:Any wanna get Chinese?
Trent & Jesse:Sure
Sapphire:Uh no thanks
Jesse:But Saph absolutely hates Chinese cause it makes her sick
Sapphire: I'll just get some pizza or something
Jesse:Oh ok then

I hope you enjoyed!
By the way in this book Jesse is Sapphire's brother just to tell you guys!
Bye 💞

~Liverpool's Princess~A Tapphire Story 💞(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now