A new beginning

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So before you read listen to the two Princes pod cast! It's gay awesome and amazing. By the way my friend wrote this story and It's kinda on hold right now so... enjoy what has been written. 

The war with the forest was finally over, and I was finally with the love of my life. We were going to visit both kingdoms, but we decided to visit the West Kingdom first, seeing as Rupert's mom was freaking out about her kingdom. Once we had made it out of the Hollow, we saw a bewildering sight.

A massive dragon was lying dead on the ground. Porridge squealed and crawled on Rupert's back at the sight of the dragon. Rupert started trying to calm Porridge. "It's okay Porridge. They won't hurt you." Rupert looked so cute trying to calm Porridge. He would be a great father.

My mother's ship, the Phoenix was lying burnt and broken on the ground next to the dragon. The weirdest part of it all was the fully armed women walking around doing various jobs. One of the women spotted us and started walking towards us. "My Queens." the girl said and bowed. "I am very happy to see that you have stopped the forest and returned the princes safely. I am also happy to report that we have successfully slain the dragon." "Thank you Lady Cecle." my mother said. "The war with each other has also come to an end, as the two kingdoms have come together in love." "In ..... Love?" Celce asked. I grabbed Rupert's hand. "Yes love." I said. "Wait are you two...?" Celce asked. "Yes me and Amir are dating and yes this dragon on my back is our adopted child, Porridge. It's a long story." Rupert said. I gave him a quick peck on the lips to prove our point. "It is an honor to serve my Kings." Cecle said as she bowed. "Thank you Cecle. You will be a valuable asset to the kingdom of Heartland." I said.

"Joan, gather your soldiers, we leave for the West immediately." my mother said. "Yes Your Majesty," Joan said. "GIRLS! GATHER YOUR THINGS! WE LEAVE FOR THE WEST NOW!" Joan yelled. The girls started packing up their things and in less than 30 minutes they were ready. We started on our way, me, Rupert, our moms, and Joan lead the army of female warriors to the West.

The sun was starting to set when I heard a familiar sound. 

After the war (A two princes fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz