a wedding plan

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I woke up before Rupert did. He looked adorable when he slept. I could see that the sun was starting to rise through the fabric of the tent. I gave Rupert a kiss on the cheek to wake him up. He let out a little groan. "Hey beautiful." I said. "Hey." He said and sat up. "We should probably get up. We need to leave soon." I said. "I'll wake Porridge up." He said. "Ok. I'm gonna go get us some breakfast." I said and walked out of the tent.

I walked over to Joan and Cecle. They were talking about how Cecle used to have a crush on Rupert. "You know Rupert's mine, right?" I said. "I know. I realized I don't even like boys anymore." Cecle said. "That cool," I said. "Did you guys find breakfast?" "We found a bush of berries over there," Joan said and pointed to a very large raspberry bush. "Other than that we have just been eating those roots." "Why didn't we see that bush while Rupert and I were here the other day?" I said.

I saw Rupert and Porridge walk out of the tent. I walked over to them. "So apparently we missed a raspberry bush when we were here last," I said. "Dang it! We didn't have to eat those nasty roots, but no. We were stupid." He said. "Well let's go get some," I said and we walked over to the bush. There were a few soldiers picking berries from it. We picked a few berries and put them in my satchel to take with us while we walked. The rest we ate. We also picked a few roots so we didn't eat only the berries the whole time. We actually figured out that the roots had very high amounts of protein.

After we ate we packed up our tent and started heading West. We stopped around noon to rest and eat lunch. Rupert, our moms, Porridge, Joan, Celce, and I all sat together and ate. Porridge was exhausted so he fell asleep immediately after he ate. "So do you boys have any plans for your wedding?" My mom asked. "We want to have where the Hollow used to be. We haven't really talked about it that much so we don't really know what else. I was kinda hoping for a spring wedding." Rupert said. "A spring wedding sounds wonderful to me," I said and put my hand on his. "You are going to have to wait longer. It's only August you know." Queen Lavinia said. "It'll be worth it, Mom." Rupert said.

Suddenly we heard whimpering. We looked over and saw Porridge tossing and turning in his sleep. Rupert and I got up quickly and went to comfort him. "Shh, It's okay Porridge. Amir and I are right here." Rupert said. "What's going on?" Queen Lavinia asked. "Last night Porridge had this nightmare. We don't know what it was about because we don't speak baby dragon but they seem pretty bad." I said stroking his back. Porridge started to whimper louder. "Shh. Shh. It's okay buddy. We're right here." Rupert said. "Amir sing to him. That worked last night." "Right here? Right now?" I said. I don't like to sing in front of people. Rupert and Porridge are the only exceptions. "Do it now!" Rupert said anxiously. "Okay fine." I said and started to sing. I was really embarrassed but Porridge needed me so I dealt with it.

I finished the song. Porridge stopped whimpering and relaxed. I looked over and saw my mom crying this time. "Where did you learn to sing like that?" Cecle asked. "My mom used to sing to me when I was little," I said. "I remember singing it to you." my mom said. "Once you learned the words you would sing along." "Awwwww. You better have baby pictures, Queen Atossa. I'm sure that Amir was just the cutest little thing." Rupert said. "Amir was our artist's favorite model. There are plenty of pictures of baby Amir. And please, call me Atossa." My mom said. "Can we no do baby pictures?" I asked, my face turning red. "Oh come on." Rupert said giving me the most ridiculous and adorable pout face I have ever seen. "Ugh fine. You can see my baby pictures." I said. "Yes! I love you, Amir!" He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"We should probably get going. We're about a day or so away from the West Castle." Joan said.

After the war (A two princes fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora